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Huh? What?

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Everything posted by Huh? What?

  1. Tough to be a Cleveland fan right now. Guaranteed pay is surpassed by someone playing next year. Pay crazy money for another good player (he is worth it though), who already was ready to bail, and they are having problems getting their stadium.
  2. No question now, Josh is the face of the NFL.
  3. I'm so giddy about this I'm humping the dog's leg... Yeah that is probably not the right to post!🤣
  4. There is goodness to this, a respect on both sides of value to each other. Congrats on both sides, Josh does seem to respect and is thankful for what the Buffalo city and the team has done for him. The Bills know that they hit the lottery that created team monetary value and a stadium. No losers here, no "I want to paid." Respect to as it done quietly. The result is this also the fans, "The Mafia". Maybe if you people hadn't stepped up and funded the Patrcia Allen Fund his take would be different. 3 winners here, him, The Bills and the fans.
  5. Okay 'Dabs' I grant that but he never seemed comfortable with Dorsey... and I'm the definition of trivial
  6. Maybe said before but I noticed in Josh's Wednesday PC he calls Brady "Joe" last year he mention "Dorsey" years past "Daboll"... Comfort level is there by the way he addresses his OC... Seems trivial but noticeable
  7. Good career... I can relate to his decision, it's tough. You always question why the voice of all things were harmed. Grateful that was on the only major problem, it could have been worse. It is really hard, even after so many years of therapy, you'll never recover the brain connection. You'll talk like a carnival barker everyday for the first 45 minutes but then everything eventually breaks down and it can't be fixed. You literally are sucking for air as you have to learn to use your stomach muscles to force air to speak. To do that for 4 hours on Sunday is unsustainable. It's like running a marathon at a sprint. Hope he enjoys the retirement, and that he knows I understand...
  8. It is what is.... I was lucky 40 years ago... when it was accepted, thank God I never hurt some one because of my actions... A fact the town I grew up in.... I was pulled over, the cop said he'd follow me home, but the next time... he'd run me in... I took that as what it was.... Never again did I drive drunk, I paid a lot of cab fees... but I also knew I was given a gift... Have fun... but don't be stupid... especially today....
  9. My gut right now is telling me... stay close to the "water closet".... and reiterating that a 60 year old man, isn't the 20+ year old kid that could eat 5 tacos with hot sauce from ETS! But they are so good, I really have to moderate the sauce.... plus there is the stink, which the better half really doesn't appreciate. I'm writing this from the den, banished again!!!🤣
  10. Any tossing?🤣 we saw flaming tables and drop and rolls... Scott Van Pelt... summed it quite hilariously... "What's wrong these people?"🤣
  11. I have no issue with this. Al Michaels is a legend. It's the changing of the guard that as I've gotten older... see it before my eyes (snot nose kids). I was a in high school when he made the 'famous call"... Luckily, I was watching the game on CBC and knew the results earlier, but still sat with Dad, who was working and didn't get to see the game. Al Michaels is now a year older than when my Dad passed. Dad retired and for many years had a good sunset of golf and grand kids , While Al's money may be good.... I say let him enjoy time with his family.
  12. Patty is not dealing with the post interviews.. So sad... Welcome to the reality that is Buffalo... We don't complain, wish otherwise... of course... but to b*tch.... Allen doesn't do that...
  13. Hey... this requires an entirely stupid gesture response.. Maybe that was what he was going for, but... that was movie.. psychotic is the word we are missing here!...
  14. I blame the Newfs.... St. John's Bin Newf is a dead man....
  15. I'm intrigued about Orvlosky... he does seem tuned into the pro game... but, he's not coming as OC (maybe making 2-3 million a yeas as that hire)... Cushy job now, kids... he'll will want double that amount and HC... which I have to admit, is maybe not that a bad idea to try... working with Josh's 7-10 year pro years. No offense to McDermott, he has done a great job, with Beane righting the SS Bills (we were the SS Minnow for many years)... but the room does seem to be lost... Orvlosky is media keyed in, which I think a lot of the younger players relate to now.... Heck, McDermott's zoom call yesterday, kept flashing Windows 10... the man can't even figure out a witty screen saver....
  16. New England needs a reset.... Don't know the dynamics.... but, back in the '80's we the Bills and the Pats were bottom feeders, trust me I was a season ticket holder and the best part of the game was just getting drunk... and boy, we did.... Don't know what NE is going to do, but they need a new voice. They are are going to be force if going forward.... if the the figure what needs to be done... not unlike what the Bills have done.
  17. So I'm old and confused... but I have Spectrum Select plus the sports bundle... does this mean I get ESPN+ streaming now?... which would be great for hockey
  18. I like the possible transit options.... Aging myself... my Dad and I took the bus to War Memorial for games and would go back to the restaurant on the bus line, to only take the bus to the Sabres' games... Okay, it was only one trip only for each game in '72 and it was a communion present, but my parents did it all the time as they had seasons for both teams through the restaurant.... But back then tailgating wasn't a big thing. I think those who may take the transit option are not going to be tailgaters.... they may be older, who probably will occupy mid price seats... My Bills experience through 50+ years of fandom is as follows 1... childhood... Dad brings me to a game 2. Bills' tickets in high school... Great game fun to watch 3. College... I know people working the concessions... buy a cup throw the cup back... free beer... Game... what game?... Dad is here? (The Dufek Years) 4. Inherit seasons... bringing a date we meet up others tailgating.... must leave at 8 AM to fully embrace the atmosphere... (snickering that girlfriend couldn't pee like us guys and her lines to pee in the stadium....) 5. Still have tix... but we meet in a bar before the game and leave at 12:15.... 6. Same as #5... but we leave at the end of the 3rd quarter to avoid traffic and go to bar... 7. We just go to the bar for the game 8. Why go to bar, it's on TV... 9. clipping coupons... yelling... those damn kids today... My point is as we get older, we may appreciate letting the others drive us to a game, if we can afford it and Thor will be our next president... (okay I've gone to far...Hah!!!) Thanks for letting me post... Cheers to all of you...
  19. We gotta get Gronk now... Knox and Gronk... would be amazing
  20. Watching ESPN Trade Deadline and I noticed that Field Yates probably didn't have to dress up for Halloween last night
  21. What Buffalo needs is the CHiPs supercycle...🤣
  22. Italian Bills - Do you have any renderings of how you toss the ball, they may be helpful for the audience...
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