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Posts posted by JoshAllenReceipts

  1. Trevor Lawrence will never be a better NFL QB than Josh Allen. He's just a prospect playing for a loaded Clemson team. Allen is no longer a "prospect" - he's one of the best QBs in the NFL. Is Lawrence more talented than Allen? Absolutely not. The odds are that Lawrence never reaches the level of a Josh Allen.


    Jets fans should be more upset about missing out on Allen. He was sitting right there in their laps for the taking - all they had to do was make the selection. Instead, they allowed a division rival to land him because they misevaluated Darnold/Allen. The double whammy of a division rival kicking their butt for the next 15 years makes it worse.


    Jets fans should keep the same energy.

    • Like (+1) 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, mjt328 said:


    Names like Antonio Brown and Rob Gronkowski were HUGE just 2-3 years ago.  But much has changed, and both of those guys are totally washed up.

    It's not just Tom Brady's inability to push the ball downfield with consistency.  Gronk looks like an old man.  Brown has made zero impact since joining the Bucs.

    In my opinion:


    Stephon Diggs > Mike Evans as the #1 receiver

    Cole Beasley > Chris Godwin as the slot receiver

    John Brown > 2020 Antonio Brown as the #2 outside receiver

    Gabe Davis > Anyone else on their roster as a #4


    That's without even getting into Andre Roberts (possibly the league's best returner) or Isaiah McKenzie (who is a fantastic gadget player).

    The Bills have the best, deepest and most versatile WR group in the NFL.




    No. One WR corps has Josh Allen throwing them the ball, the other WR corps has the Bill Belichick-created, fraudulent System QB throwing them the ball. A guy who 1) Cannot move at all and 2) Cannot throw outside the numbers with any zip/accuracy.


    The reason why Antonio Brown hasn't made any impact is because of the System Fraud at QB singlehandedly holding him and the entire Offense back.


    Switch the 2 QBs and this wouldn't even be an argument.



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  3. 3 hours ago, BigDingus said:

    Great news, if he's fully healthy, Brown makes this group possibly the best WR corps in the NFL.

    Diggs, Brown, Beasley & Davis...that's a scary group of receivers.




    Mike Evans, Chris Godwin, and Antonio Brown say hello.


    Just because Noodle-Arm Pocket Statue System QB is singlehandedly holding them back, doesn't mean they're not clearly the best WR corps in the league (excluding TE)


    If Josh Allen was the Bucs QB instead of Brady, the Bucs would be 12-1 (instead of 8-5) and runaway favorites to win the NFC. Allen to Evans/Godwin/AB/Gronk in a Bruce Arians passing attack would shatter every passing record in the history books.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    i disagree. at his worst 4? i love Allen but thats a bit homer-ish.... i think he's in the 4-7 range but i have no problems with somebody saying he's probably 7-8 and need to see more. I personally need to see some good playoff football before i can definitively say he's elite. And IMO thats completely fair. Seems pretty reasonable to me.


    Who is the 4th QB who is better?


    Name him.


    Then name the 5th and 6th QBs u think are better.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Victory Formation said:

    I’m not saying that Allen would have been a bust in Cleveland or with the Cardinals, Giants and Broncos etc. I’m saying that he would have been a giant bust with the Jets. That organization is rotten from the top down. Obviously there’d be good landing spots for him outside of Buffalo.. The NYJ not being one of them.


    You would be 100% wrong. 


    In 2019, Darnold had a healthy Robby Anderson, Jamison Crowder, and Leveon Bell for all 16 games. Arguably better than, or on par with, Josh's trio of Brown, Beasley, and Singletary. Yet, the results were vastly different.


    Are you telling me Josh would not have succeeded with that trio? If so, you would be wrong.


    The Jets would have resigned Robby Anderson this past offseason if it was Josh Allen throwing him the football in 2019 instead of Darnold.


    Allen would still be a stud on the Jets.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    Jones spent a couple of minutes talking about how bad his pocket presence is. Thats absolutely insane. i've been blown away at how he evades pressure with small movements this year and manages a pocket. And blaming race on Taylor vs Allen is just a lazy take. Tyrod was a veteran in regression. There was nothing left there. Comparing a year 2 Allen to a year 6 or 7 taylor is stupid.... honestly the dude needs to take a hard look in the mirror when it comes to his race issues. Or, at the very least, only bring it up when it actually makes sense. We all know its still an issue. But claiming it around every corner just diminishes his message.





    Whats odd is after ALL of his "hate".... he admits he's been a top 10 qb this year and even as high as 7 or 8.... So im inclined to believe he quite literally only blasts him to get mentions and attention. 


    "As high as 7 or 8" is a sneaky diss too. You can only possibly make the argument that at worst, he is 4 behind Mahomes, Rodgers, Wilson. 4 is the absolute lowest ranking u can put Allen. Putting him at 7 or 8 is underrating him.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    Jones spent a couple of minutes talking about how bad his pocket presence is. Thats absolutely insane. i've been blown away at how he evades pressure with small movements this year and manages a pocket. And blaming race on Taylor vs Allen is just a lazy take. Tyrod was a veteran in regression. There was nothing left there. Comparing a year 2 Allen to a year 6 or 7 taylor is stupid.... honestly the dude needs to take a hard look in the mirror when it comes to his race issues.



    It's his whole schtick. ESPN cosigns his garbage too, because it gets views. If you take his one and only schtick away, Bomani Jones is left with nothing. This is how he makes his money. ESPN loves his ignorance.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 37 minutes ago, CSBill said:


    Did he say something new today?


    The same old nonsensical drivel he usually spouts to get attention. It's quite entertaining to hear how dumb he sounds. 


    Bomani Jones will be squirming for the next 15 years because JA is here to stay. That should put a smile on everybody's face. Long term, the joke's on him (we'll see how long it takes for him to figure that out).







  9. 8 minutes ago, Beast said:

    I’m far from calling Darnold a bust. 

    I remember Gase and Tannehill.




    Why do people keep making this comparison?


    Tannehill was not a bad QB with Gase in Miami. He was a decent QB. He just wasn't great. But at least he was decent. He made accurate throws when they were there to be made. He actually graded well in Miami throw4throw by PFF. Tannehill had solid PFF grades in Miami with Gase, and his play in general was solid; He was NOT bad.


    The same cannot be said for Darnold. Darnold has been absolutely horrible in every way shape or form. Eye test shows it. Conventional stats show it. Even PFF grades show it. (UNLIKE Tannehill, Darnold is at or near the bottom in PFF grading all the time)


    To summarize:

    Tannehill = Decent QB under Gase

    Darnold = Atrocious QB under Gase


    Decent and Atrocious are not equivalent.

  10. 1 minute ago, RunTheBall said:

    Trevor Lawrence is not Andrew Luck. He’s the best of a mediocre QB crop and benefits from having the best college players next to Alabama at almost every position. There is absolutely no guarantee he’s going to be a good pro QB and its silly to talk about him as this can’t miss prospect. I could care less if the Jets draft him because they will likely destroy their next QB too. There are going to be a lot of coaching vacancies this year and just because the Jets might have the #1 pick doesn’t mean good coaching prospects will be flocking to go to that sht show of a franchise.



    Trevor Lawrence isn't Josh Allen.


    Trevor Lawrence will never be as good of an NFL QB as Josh Allen.

  11. 31 minutes ago, Victory Formation said:

    I know what kind of fan you are.. The second Allen has a poor showing in the playoffs you’ll be right off the bandwagon.. You know what they say about wrestling with pigs.. I’ll give you the last word.


    1) I am on the Josh Allen bandwagon until the day I die. I can promise you that.


    2) Sam Darnold was TERRIBLE as a rookie. So bad that the Jets benched him for Luke McCown after his 4-INT self-destruction versus Miami.

  12. 1 minute ago, TH3 said:

    No...JA would not be a stud had he been a Jet



    AFA the video.....guy was on point till he said if Jets had their act together ...he would still take Donald over JA today....


    1) Yes, JA would still be a stud on the Jets.


    2) AFA the video...the guy wasn't "on point" at all...far from it. He ignored JA's rushing stats when comparing them to try and make Darnold out to be better, and gave zero credit to JA himself for his success. Basically, his point is that "Josh is only successful because of what the Bills did"...nothing he said in that video is on point.

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