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Everything posted by KevinRome

  1. This is uncanny. 30 years ago Oprah had Trump on her show. She asks if he has aspirations of running for president, he said no, but if things got worse (this is 1988!) he might. And if he did, he would be in it to win. The policies he talked about then are no different than now. Amazing.
  2. Kind of a summary of what we know, but a recap is always useful: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/01/05/operation-condor-how-nsa-director-mike-rogers-saved-the-u-s-from-a-massive-constitutional-crisis/
  3. I throw this out there for people poking around the interwebs. Pardon me for not summarizing (I don't have time now), I'll only say that it's very DR'esque and fits the topic: https://steemit.com/fbianon/@aggroed/fbi-anon-one-of-the-best-inside-leakers-out-there
  4. Yah, it is a big eff’ing deal. I never anticipated targeting progressives on taxes, but this is just brilliant. Love it.
  5. Detailed deconstruction of NYT article here: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/12/30/transparent-doj-and-fbi-desperation-new-york-times-attempts-trump-operation-justification/ The NYT article just shows the shills they are for the IC. They’re just passing on what the IC is feeding them without either thinking about what’s in it or doing what used to calling investigative reporting. If this is the best the IC can come up with, they getting quite pathetic. - July 15th 2016 Comey opens counterintel investigation into Russian collusion. January 15th 2017 FBI visits Papadopoulos for first time. The FBI waited for six months to talk to him? - If a Papadopolous conversation in May 2016 was the origin, the source material, of the FBI counterintelligence operation, then why were they denied a FISA application in June/July 2016?
  6. Here’s another gem in the tax bill, taxing the multi-billion dollar endowments of the progessive’s indoctination machines (whose 4x inflation tuition increases over the past 40 years is laundered tax payer money via student loan defaults): http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/12/new_tax_on_the_rich_pleases_conservatives_infuriates_liberals.html The only problem is that the tax is too low.
  7. This is an interesting angle. Also sweet justice, even though I'm sure it will affect a bunch of people here. The state and local tax (SALT) cap in the tax bill causes those parts of the country that were overwhelmingly Hillary voters to have tax increases. Sweet justice because in losing the election, the dems didn't play a part in crafting legislation. http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/12/blue_state_scrooges.html "Even the New York Times admits that the SALT cap will primarily impact high income residents of these blue states, which undermines the “help-the-rich, soak-the-poor” narrative being used to attack the tax reform."
  8. Plenty more to add. ISIS on the run, Middle East policy huge improvement over 44, relations with Russia far better than they’ve been in a long time, North Korea slowly getting econmically strangled. I’ve said it before, history won’t be kind to 44.
  9. DR, things are stacking up inline with your research. Nice work. This thread and a few others are my favorites.
  10. The progressives are pretty sanctimonious until you hit their fat pocketbook. Scott Adams took a political position and it affected his public speaking business, but he’s not whinning about it not being fair.
  11. Slick willy work web for the Crosby role?
  12. Maybe Hillary shouldn't have run a pay-to-play scheme for hundreds of millions of dollars out of the Office of Secretary of State. Or divulge classified info in over a hundred emails on a non-classified email system. Or dilvulge top secret info on tens of emails. I had read somewhere that her margin for winning the national popular vote was solely due to a +4 million margin over Trump in California. People outside of the left coast/right coast/Denver/Ithaca aren't complaining about the electoral college.
  13. Thanks for posting the video, it's from a past age. I got up early to go to my deer stand, but was an hour late because I started watching and it hooked me. By the time I got out, deer were grazing in front of my stand and I couldn't get to it without spooking them. Bastard.
  14. Stunning stuff Erik, thanks for putting your work out there. It's incredibly rare for people to have insight and back up their opinions with data. Loved how you sorted through past Ravens footage for clues as to how Rex might use the new defensive draft picks in a 34 defense. Fifteen or so years ago the mantra for a switch from 43 to 34 defense was that it takes 2 years because of personnel. The front office never billed the hiring of Rex that way, but it's working out that way.
  15. There was a story about one of Bill Parcels' Giants teams where they were in a good mood yucking it up on the plane following a big win, and Parcels looks at the offensive lineman (Jumbo Elliot? I forgot who) and said "what are laughing at, I brought you in to block Bruce Smith". If Rex is using some psychology, I'm all for it.
  16. I like how it combines an attribute of a team's offense and defense.
  17. Point noted, thanks. Billion dollar properties might not have great liquidity, so selling when the selling is good makes sense. Even so, all of us partisans approve of the timing! On a separate note for the fracking afficionados, it's interesting that McClendon bought Pegula's land.
  18. Very interesting, thanks for that input. If true, then Pegula as owner could be a done deal. Otherwise he's forking over capital gains taxes for the sale. Unless, of course, some other obscure tax rule comes into play.
  19. No specific veteran mentioned, just there is a receiving corp and running game in place that would help attract a free agent QB if that was needed. I haven't heard the idea before. It would be a viable plan B if EJ doesn't progress this year.
  20. Now that you mention it, it does stick.out as being a reference to Stevie. In trying to make sense of a team shipping out a thousand yard per year receiver, there's a list possible reasons. One I hadn't considered was that although he can always get open, EJ and Stevie didn't have chemistry together. In front office's efforts to surround EJ with the tools to succeed, does that exend enough to get rid of a good receiver?
  21. I listened to Polian for the conversion that is referenced in this thread, and one of the stories that he told was about the pre-draft preparation in drafting Thurman. He said the medical evaluation trumpted everything and the decision was up to the team doctor. Polian said that Thurman's college knee surgery was videoed, and the doctor looked at it. The doctor reported to Polian that even if Thurman's knee gave out again, there was enough left of ligament that the doctor could repair it. It would be nice if we could get a link to that segment on Sirius/XM, it was quite interesting.
  22. Could it have something to do with english not being his first language?
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