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Everything posted by KevinRome

  1. The market goes up, the market goes down. If you hadn’t sold your assets it would just be a paper loss. Why did you sell yesterday?
  2. It’s clear to me after the events of the past years that Democracy absolutely depends on a free, independent press. Our biggest threat is how the MSM has been completely compromised. Our second biggest thread is that so many people accept what the MSM says without questioning it.
  3. Fully agree. This is why nationalism is so important. The progressives like to equate nationalism with nazism, but outside the exteme it’s what binds people together such that they act for the good of others. We can’t come up with a process or system that guarantees things are always well run. Any system can be gamed. It takes people in government chosing to “do the right thing” in the face the $ temptation.
  4. So I guess this means missles won’t be used.
  5. Misfeasance on the part of many congressmen is certainly a plausible explanation. It just seems weird that so many were only lazy. Did anyone see this article (as DR says, pardon the conservative source - I doubt CNN will report this)? A rep paid someone to do IT services, but that person said that one of the Awans was the actual IT guy.
  6. 44 house democrates exempted the Awan bros from background checks. 44. Wow. Now there’s some collusion.
  7. From Twitter, this guy has been periodically posting the exchange and therefore tracking the hyper-inflation
  8. I think I saw somewhere that zuck has been selling sizeable amounts of stock the last couple months. Anyone watching that might do the same. Price goes down.
  9. You know this, but for everyone else, it *is* a civil war.
  10. Keep it up, your efforts aren’t in vein, you’ve had an influence. As you know, Qanon is releasing info for the same reason. People have to start thinking and assessing on their own. The problem is that the old way of getting info is compromised (flipping in the news). It takes a lot of time to do independent research, so all of your digging helps the rest of us. Crowd sourcing has been a big part of this.
  11. Crazy stuff going on if true. Let’s see how the day plays out. Wray threatened?
  12. Qanon post from the 14th. TG is Trey Gowdy. This has been planned
  13. She’ll get the death penalty.
  14. I concur, the deep state stuff has panned out. Thanks DR, your efforts weren’t for naught.
  15. We’re definitely in Scott Adams “facts don’t matter”-land. I’ve tried talking to people about what’s coming, and it’s so far out there no one believes it. The wrongdoing here requires people to look at the documentation. Not many people are doing it now, even though enough documentation is out there. In Watergate days the R’s conceded that Nixon was wrong. Similarly, in this present crisis, it’s going to take some D’s to break ranks and help convince people. We’re going to find out if any of the D congressmen love their country enough to publicly denounce schumer and crew and say this stuff is true. Lacking that, the coming counter coup is going to itself look like a coup to the polarized anti-Trumpers.
  16. Okay, found some of this stuff, thanks. And that’s only because I’m laid-up due to medicals issues and can surf rather than doing normal work. The method of getting the word out is very clever on two points. The first is being cryptic with a trail of questions. That forces people to do research and think critically about things in an environment where you can’t trust anything news-wise. Forces people to get educated on their own rather than swallow the canned messages the MSM have been putting out. The second clever method addresses credibility. Put out clues to what will happen, and then afterward compare the events to the pass clues. This is all very stunning to me.
  17. Bill is a rapist and pedophile. What he deserves is far worse than this, and soon he’ll get what he deserves.
  18. I’ve recent become aware of an ex-federal prosecutor that is really informed about what is going on. She wrote a book a few years ago about the egredious abuses by several prosecuters in some high profile cases. They later became became appointed to Obama’s DOJ. Familiar names today. Obama stocked the gov with a bunch of bad cops. I’m still stunned at the breadth of the corruption. Just shows how naive I am.
  19. Look at the reply to JA’s tweet, there are some links. It’s a classic chess match from 1919.
  20. I remember before the election (that crooked Hillary was supposed to win) all the tech titans were poised to descend on Washington. Things didn’t turn out the way they wanted. Hopefully it gets worse.
  21. This DR post had me puzzled. POTUS is declaring a nation emergency over the topics listed. There’s already laws against sex trafficking, which people have speculated that’s what the 10k sealed indictments are about. The existing laws get them. Is the confiscation of property and $ what it’s all about? Since the dossier scandal investigation has ballooned to stoke investigation of the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One scandals, could confiscation of the criminals $ be done with those? How much $ were associated with those? Could this be a repeat of what the Saudi’s did?
  22. Another link to the same info, watch the video. It shows the degree to which the Republicans on the congressional committees won’t let this go. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/01/10/confirmation-doj-and-fbi-used-steele-dossier-for-application-to-fisa-court-for-search-authority-on-trump-campaign/ Maxine Waters’ motivation in releasing the transcript of the Steele hearing might have had nefarious motives. The unintended consequence might be, as Rep Jordan suggests, future stuff (as much as allowable for clearance reasons) will be in the open. This is very important because of the cognitive dissonce that is going on. I held my nose and watched how CNN was reporting this and the POTUSVSG’s latest tweets. It’s stunning the degree to which they’ll stick to the anti-trump narrative, rather than reporting the latest *documented* facts.
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