Kind of crazy what's happening in this game right? If the Bills end up in KC they are going to need some serious star power in the stands in Bills gear for the NFL to call off the refs. I'm talking Oprah, Gaga, Beyonce, maybe the two from Wicked.
I don't think the # 1 seed matters anyways. Chiefs will lose their first playoff game. Buffalo at the #2 seed will have home field for the entirety of the playoffs.
Even playing on another team it still hurts watching Tremaine Edmunds. The guy is just so ***** bad. Every single play he's either overrunning or pushed 10 yards back in the D back field. Painful bad
Ridiculous. Hollins returned the onside to set up a huge TD. Benford caused a fumble for a huge TO. Offensive line was great. Cook has a huge run. Receivers made some huge catches. Knox and Johnson both made some huge grabs. Allen would happily tell you this game was not all Allen.
Bleh. It's really surprising they haven't been doing that all game. Bishop looks like ass. You would think Goff would just be throwing at him the rest of the game.
Don't do this. I know nothing about her, which is how it should be. People start with some annoying nickname, or even just start bringing her up a lot, and she'll become annoying through no fault of her own.
Reid Ferguson ended up on his back 8 yards deep in the backfield on that punt block. Outside of Tremaine Edmunds I've never seen a guy that big get moved that easily.
He looks like he's carrying some extra weight. I don't think he should have just walked right back in to his starting role. Williams has looked very good.