I think a hard count also would have helped with the defense timing a jump over the top, not to mention actually provided the first down without even running the play.
Frustrating to draft a guy based on the promise that he catches everything only to watch him drop a bunch. This was one of the worst drops in the history of the franchise.
His first two passes going right into the hands of Chiefs players was definitely a choke. Pure luck neither were intercepted. The fumbled snap was definitely a choke. Lucky he dropped on it. None of it ended up going against the team though.
Drafted two guys in Kincaid and Coleman for their sure hands......... Kincaid has been a huge disappointment. Coleman's rookie year could have been much much better.
Right. I know he just got concussed and was fading in and out of consciousness while being carted off the field after getting the top of his helmet rubbed against. That's enough to know he shouldn't have been playing.