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Watashi Sparta

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Everything posted by Watashi Sparta

  1. Wow! That would be incredible. I'll try it. Thank you very much!
  2. Thanks. I have zero twitter followers. But I'll make a go of it.
  3. What's up Mafia?I'm so proud to be part of this fanbase. It's been a bit of a roller coaster season but someone's gotta win this thing. Why not us?! This is my request for donations to a cancer research fund named in honour of my late cousin and rabid Bills fan, Olivier. Sadly, Oli died in 2008 but his dying wish was to raise awareness and money for Synovial Sarcoma research. He got his wish when he was featured on the local news and the hospital he was being treated at named the research fund in his honour. You can see his news feature here: Since his name is Oliver and since #91 Ed Oliver is having a breakout year, I suggest $9.10 but any amount really, is greatly appreciated. It would have been so freakin' cool for Oli to have seen #91 on the field these days! Donations can be made at the Montreal General Hospital Foundation here:https://www.mghfoundation.com/en/donate-now/give-today/#donationForm Under Designation, choose "other" and write in "Olivier Vourantonis Fund" Thank you to all of you for being the best fans in the NFL. Go Bills! FTP!
  4. My Fox feed is showing Judge Judy. WTF?!
  5. We'll, we get the ball back at least
  6. Josh's quarter coming up. Get the ball back and put the game away
  7. Gotta take the game out of the refs hands.
  8. 100% not an interception!
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