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Joe Ferguson

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson

  1. I hope Joshy is not the same Joshy a few years back where he makes bone headed decisions.
  2. Bills acknowledged it was ugly and they had work to do. After KC game they also acknowledged they had work to do.
  3. Media is going to have a field day with Josh Allen tomorrow
  4. Who the ***** is he throwing it to??
  5. Feed it to Moss 3 times then punt
  6. That was one ugly ***** drive. Barf!
  7. Does the ball looked like a wobbly duck?
  8. That's all nice and cute of the Raiders to score. Now watch our nemesis, the Chiefs QB. Mahomes can flick the ball backwards to Kelce for a 60 yard TD while picking his nose with his throwing hand
  9. If you bringh up Zack Moss' name in the trade, the deal will be off immediatley. We can't even trade Moss for a bag of rocks.
  10. Time to move on with Gabe Davis. He's like Zach Moth. If the ball goes to him, you already know it's a wasted play. OBJ will take this Bills offense to the next level and a Lombardi trophy.
  11. I say this is the most stupidest thread I've seen in 4 years.
  12. I heard from a very reliable source that our long time hero, Duke Williams is still available!
  13. Gabe could have said to his coaches, "my ankle is total dog poo. I need to sit out the rest of the season and let other receivers that can actually run take my place" Instead he most likely said, "WAAAHHHH! I don't want to sit out! I wanna play football! WAAHHHHH!
  14. Davis is hurting this team. He's beginning to be a selfish jerk for insisting to play and not let the up and coming receivers play. Is he afraid to lose his job?
  15. He's still Engame Edmunds to me. I pass but keep the hottest looking player in the NFL, Matt Milano.
  16. He's absolutely useless out there. Bills can pick up any any homeless guy from the streets and I bet he'll be better than Moss. I hope they cut him and give someone else a chance. Soooo tired of the one yard run and fall down strategy.
  17. Drop..drop…drop…drop..meanhwile ravens can’t drop if they tried
  18. Bills players and their clueless fans believed in their own hype😄
  19. The field will be wet all day long. Our RBs are known fumblers even in dry weather. I'm just looking at it realistically about this game. I'm hoping Bills pull out a miracle but I don't see it happening.
  20. Game time will be 100% rain. I expect to see our running backs get tackled for a loss then fumbling the ball away.
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