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Everything posted by jahbonas

  1. Yes the same Felser who also suggested we should draft Doug Flutie instead of Bruce Smith....or even better wrote the article before the browns 1989 playoff game to start Frank Reich over Jim Kelly (1st ballot HOF) because "kelly could not win a big game"...... what an idiot and little wonder why Polian had little respect for the News
  2. Denney is actually a very good fit as a 3-4 DE he is extra tall and holds the line of scrimmage but not a top pass rusher. In fact Tom Donaho traded up in rd 2 when he heard the Steelers wanted Ryan Denney. Unfortunately Tom D never calculated Steelers played a 3-4 and we played a 4-3. Kelsay would likely be a casualty is a switch to 3-4....but Maybin to OLB would be huge beneficiary to such a switch.
  3. I'd prefer to spend the top money on the GM who will guide the football operations and structure the scouting system. If thats in place then selecting a young rising Coordinator would be fine...they key is to choose the right coordinator...do you select a Mularkey? or select a guy like Daniels in Denver? One key point with these "names" coaches. Is anyone else bothered by the fact they may only go where they perceive the situation is perfect so they can protect their own career W-L record?? What happened to having a coach believing they will be the difference maker and can make lemonade out of lemons.... If we had such a perfect situation...then anyone could lead the team to numerous wins....
  4. Be sure to go cast your vote on the best Actor
  5. You hide behind a basic assumption you conveniently make which just isnt true.....the talk about jimmy the greek went from 6am - 730am....and as someone else pointed out this drafting of actors went on for multiple hours.... Incredible the same guys that can do 3 hours (not 15 mins) on an actor draft...can then openly mock people who follow the NFL draft or watch an ncaa playoff game.... play it back..i'm sure you work there and have easy access to the tape... Also...nobody here is complaining at the first bad show...this crap has gone on and on and on....multiple times for multiple hours....2 hours one night on what would you choose to eat with if given the choice of 1 among a fork or knife or spoon.... and yet they think they are great because they get ratings because they are a monopoly why continue to listen for a long time when the topic sucks? others can speak for themselves but one is often hoping/assuming that eventually the topic will move on to something sports related
  6. Amen - thank you !
  7. Talking about UB football the day of a nationally televised ESPN2 game and then discussing the game the next day is NOT promoting UB....its REPORTING it........ Promoting UB would be discussing the game every day for a full week prior.... As is often pointed out here by many posters already (who are sports fans) These guys mock the following NFL Draft NBA Playoffs NCAA Tournament Breeders Cup --- oops they dont even know what that is..but they openly talk about watching NHL preseason games Its a joke... ...its so blatant its hard to believe any defenders are not media types themselves defending their own
  8. Funny but apparently its ok to "cheerlead/promote" if its about a team (Sabres) that has them do the radio broadcast and not do similar to UB because they chose another radio station....? thats highly professional too??? Also..there is a huge difference between reporting on an upcoming event....and 'promoting'....talking a lot about UB football the day they play a night game on ESPN2 and talking about the actual game the following day is REPORTING it...its not promoting....and yes when you do not even Report on it...its wrong... Consider this...the morning that TO show was going to air that night...all they talked about was TO reality show...then the next morning all talk was on the show they watched........so once again the decision makers on a SPORTS program decide thats ok to do for a TO reality 30 minute show.....but not for UB football watched on ESPN2 As for Shoop...its "OFF TOPIC" when he spends time talking the Bills or Sabres...he openly admits he is bored talking football........he'd rather talk tennis or soccer....in Buffalo NY ????? its a joke...but they have a monoploy and this get ratings.....any type of competition would bury these guys
  9. You have to be joking? The Jimmy the Greek show will be repeated 50 times ! UB was on NATIONAL TV ESPN2.....but somehow a jimmy the greek show is more important And please dont try to imply that the callers in drive the show.....that is never the case These guys survive (and get awards) because they are the only sports show on in a sports crazy town....unfortunately we all have no alternative but the continual crap discussions they provide
  10. UB plays a home game and is nationally televised on ESPN2 Does howard Simon attend the game? no Does he watch the game at home on ESPN2? no He instead brags about instead watching an ESPN show on jimmy the greek and then on this morning's show makes the whole early discussion about gambling and sports and how he does not gamble etccc Helloooo?? Wouldnt it be his job to watch the nationally televised UB game and then discuss it this morning? The ESPN30 show will be repeated numerous times... Its just more evidence these guys (Howard & Jeremy) are not native Buffalo guys....Jeremy cheered when Scott Norwoods kick went wide right...and Howard will talk for a week about driving home to Long Island to attend his Mets game but cannot even attent or watch the game on ESPN2
  11. And Dude..in his entire 50 years of owning the Bills Ralph paid the money for a proven big name ONCE...when he hired Chuck Knox in 1978.....Ralph eventually cheaped out enough to force Knox to leave as well... The article takes into account the reality of the above fact....to WISH for Holmgren or Gruden or Cowher is just that...a wish that will never happen because this cheap old man will never pay the going rate.....so its a waste of time
  12. Keep in mind the 3 choices are based on 'reality' that Ralph wont pay the going rate a 'name' guy will command. Polian was unproven GM when we hired him...as was John Butler...as is Josh Daniels a successful head coach from Coordinator to head coach in Denver We may not have the budget to hire 'proven guys'...Washington Redskins prove that direction can lose too because many of these so-called winners were simply surrounded with talent.....you really think back in the day marv Levy could have left the talented Bills to bring a championship to some lower level team???? The key is to make a wise choice...the common factor there seems to be that they have pro scouting experience in their background
  13. And we cut high character Coy Wire because ????? Starting OLB Atlanta And we cut MLB Mario Haggan because? starting MLB Denver And we cut Sam Aiken because? special teams captain of Patriots There is a definite concern that these coaches dont even know the talent on its own team Even this year..by many independent accounts Nic Harris was MVP of camp and looked great in preseason....we are killed at LB with injury and he never sees the field.....how many years did Jabari Greer go thru similar? Its just screams of needing a top football personnell guy to be at the GM level.... you cannot leave it all up to the staff because the staff always assumes their own scheme is perfect and therefore must be the player can't play....
  14. Exactly...I thought they worked together in CFL...then marv went to Chicago FIRE in USFL...Marv convinced Polian to leave CFL and come to USFL then it went belly up...I'm pretty sure though that Polian then landed on the Bills scouting staff...was then elevated to GM...and then Polian hired Levy who was not coaching Unless Wilson had ties to levy from long time prior I agree with you about the coaching staff screwing up a top talented team in 1990 1991....but also just at that point where we needed to add 1 more physical player to put us over the top.....Ralph instead subtracts our physical LT Wolford...and never adds the big DT we needed instead of Jeff Wright...who was unfairly asked to play NT at 270lbs Pierce Holt would have helped a ton... Gee Ralph you cannot take the $$$ with you...how does it feel now knowing in hinsight you cheaped out at that critical time...saved some $$$...and now have no Superbowl ring... We were subtracting players from that taleneted 1990 team while dalls was acquiring Charles haleys and Deon Sanders to put them over the top....
  15. That draft killed us...sitting at 11 we were looking for RB and LB....Adrian Peterson falls to 7th spot and Patrick Willis drops to 10 where SanFran was willing to trade.... We sat on our hands....and this from a team that trades up in the draft almost every year...trading up for JP & Mccargo and that year for Poz (LB David harris was sitting there) Marv always preached character..yet he spens 11th overall on Lynch...a known problem coming into the draft....where Willis and Peterson were high character guys.... The Lynch pick to me always smelled of being cheap (not moving into top 7 for Peterson) and owner intrusive...picking a RB instead of simple trade up for LB Willis....Ralph always wishes to pay for skill players because they are 'entertainment'..they put fannies in the seats and makes $$$.... The drafting of a punk like Lynch at 11 only makes sense to an owner hoping to sell tickets showcasing his top pick is a RB rather than a LB (peterson ofcourse fills that but too cheap to pay that price).... Similar problem again...not taking OT and picking a great return CB like Mckelvin with top pick instead of the better football move of Ryan Clady OT
  16. Its almost silly to comment at all on any of our offensive skill players....they are all (from TO to Evans to QB to Lynch) very limited by the poor OT play and poor scheme.... Ofcourse this is why you must build the lines before you draft skill players...Tom Donaho never learned that.... This year we learned it with the interior 3...but then were devastated with injuries at OT
  17. Ralph hiring an older guy could be possible but also an older guy who is already a GM..or has GM experience would mean more $$$ which we all agree Ralph does not like to spend.... Another possibility may be inhouse..and is older..but likely not demand top pay......Buddy Nix who came over from San Diego last year
  18. This from Brian Guilford of Buffalo Rumblings. He did a nice job identifying 3 realistic possibilities of GM's that would be affordable...have familiarty with Bills organization and would be a "football only' GM while Brandon stays on for the Business side of GM duties.... Also indicating that Juaron and John guy would be "must go' types....Modrak would depend on GM chosen Here they are (Brian Polian not included because assumed he'd likely stay with Colts) I've got the names of three men for you now - all are rising GM candidates, and all have unique qualities that could work in Wilson's ideal front office structure. Marc Ross - Director of College Scouting, New York Giants (Ross reading material) Ross is 34 years old. He's worked for the Bills before - as a national scout, under Tom Modrak. He worked as a scout for Modrak in Philadelphia, and was the Director of College Scouting there, too. Now, he works in the same capacity under Jerry Reese in New York, and has helped put together a couple of stellar draft classes for one of the best-run and easily-identifiable teams in the NFL right now. His best selection in those two years might be WR Mario Manningham, who has exploded onto the scene for New York this season. If Wilson is looking to bring in some outside influence and culture while enabling as little shake-up to his front office as possible, Ross is clearly the best candidate. Ross is a "discovery" of Modrak's, so it's well beyond reasonable to assume that Ross would keep Modrak and his scouting staff on board - and again, that's not a bad thing. Buffalo has drafted relatively well the past few years, and Modrak is well-respected; with a different, more forceful personality calling the final shots, why can't it work? Ross is young enough to work alongside Brandon, too, and do so without complaint. As long as Ross gutted the pro personnel department - currently headed up by John Guy - he'd be a definite step in the right direction, and what's more, a beyond-plausible one for Wilson to consider. Tell me why this wouldn't be possible, even to a mind that thinks as uniquely as Mr. Wilson: Ralph Wilson - Owner, Team President Russ Brandon - VP, Chief Operating Officer Marc Ross - General Manager, Football Operations Tom Modrak - Director of College Scouting __________ - Director of Pro Personnel __________ - Head Football Coach What possible objection could Wilson have? You get the outside influence, you shake things up as little as possible, you get a football voice and streamline the efficiency of decision-making. Wilson himself, and the front office executives he'd be keeping (even if he forced Ross to keep Modrak, why would Ross object?), already have a familiarity with Ross. That's like win times a million. Eric DeCosta - Director of Player Personnel, Baltimore Ravens (DeCosta reading material)If Wilson's feeling a little gutsier, the 38-year-old DeCosta would be a great fit as well. The only difference in the above organizational chart would be blanking out Modrak's name, because DeCosta comes from an organization that does things in a very specific way. He'd demand a little more authority than Ross would just based on his background (in my book, that's nowhere near a bad thing). He, too, is still young enough to accept working next to Brandon, the liaison between a GM and Wilson. If there's one team that embodies the type of play that Bills fans appreciate most on the field, it's Baltimore. You'll be hard-pressed to find a team that plays faster and more physically than Baltimore, particularly defensively. They're blue-collar. We're blue-collar. That's what makes DeCosta so endearing - that and the fact that he's essentially the right-hand man of one of the greatest General Managers in the league, Ozzie Newsome. DeCosta isn't as snug a fit if we're talking about realistic options, but again, I believe that Brandon's presence makes any GM candidate a possibility - and DeCosta has the chops to be a great one. Ruston Webster - Vice President of Player Personnel, Seattle Seahawks (Webster reading material) Webster, 49, is yet again slightly different from the first two names on the list in that his background has a little less to do with scouting and a little more to do with pro personnel - he's far more balanced than either Ross or DeCosta in that department. Right now, Webster is the right-hand man of Seahawks GM Tim Ruskell - and Seattle has had some success recently, and always seems to draft relatively well - but Webster was also part of the great Buccaneers teams of early this decade, that were perennial playoff contenders under Tony Dungy and a won a Super Bowl with Gruden. Again, Webster is more of a stretch than Ross considering he'd very likely want to re-vamp both the scouting and pro personnel departments - and Wilson has a deep respect for Modrak. In that light, Webster is less realistic - but that doesn't make him a possibility worth exploring. For a third time, Webster is a candidate that could work next to Brandon while commanding full, final say over the shape of the football roster.
  19. Its possible...but if you look at the legs/calves of a Poz and compare to a Mcclain...you can see that a mcclain is simply naturally bigger physically allowing for the necessary pop Also..a 'pumped up' (rather than naturally big) Poz playing inside likely will expereince year after year some type of injury...
  20. Good observations on Poz...the key is what you point out he rarely wins a physical one on one battle inside....perhaps a move outside would be helpful. In the draft this year are 2 physical ILB's Brandon Spikes and Rolando MCclain from Alabama...Mcclain is a 'natural' 250lb ILB (compared to a pumped up Poz) and because of it can explode into the oncoming blocker and make a play
  21. Gee somehow Jim irsay can tolerate that 'abrasive' Polian personality and let him do his work guiding them to a superbowl and consistent post seasons - and again so far an undefeated season
  22. Knox brought Seattle its first ever Division championship in an era of a strong AFC Western Division dominated by Oakland and Denver and the Don Coryell Chargers of early 80's. Thats success just like Knox brought to Buffalo its 1st AFC East division title in 1980 that we had not seen in 15 years...had only 1 playoff appearance in that same 15 years and twice picked #1 overall because we were the worst team in the NFL....yes thats success.... San Diego Chargers under Butler were built into perennial winners whether they made the Superbowl or not....much was accomplished there due to the same core scouting staff that scouted for us in Buffalo The Chargers were 1-15 when Butler took over by 2004 they were 12-4.....thats called success In 1981 seahawks were 6-10 1982 the Seahwaks were 4-5 team....in 1984 Knox leads them to 12-4 and first ever division championship...yes thats success.... Please compare to the Bills decade os 1970s...1980s...and 2000s
  23. Exactly right about the Wade Phillips fiasco being part of the Butler/AJ Smith problem....and you can see where Butler and AJ Smith sided...they had zero problem hiring Wade out in SanDiego as the defensive coordinator and were lining him up to slide in and replace Marty Schotts....surprise was that Dallas owner slid in quickly and scooped Wade as Cowboys head coach before the Marty Schotz situation cleared itself up....Chargers then had to go to Plan B and bring in norv Turner... AJ Smith wanted Marty Shotz out - but for team success wanted to keep the same system and terminolgy.....its also the exact strategy they employed when hiring Phillips in Buffalo under an older soon to retire Marv Levy Linda Bogdan had no credentials to be an NFL scout...much of scouting is the network of connections to coaching staffs who actually see these kids practice day in and day out etccc...how much info do you think coaching staffs in college were willing to share with a person they know did not pay the dues to get the scouting job she had? Then add to the fact she was a female working in an all guys old home boys network situation..... Yes Linda Bogden liked Jerry Butler and wished to pick him #1....incredible that it took Chuck Knox to over rule her and pick Cousineau.....and ofcourse Butler was still there at #5....not having to use the #1overall to get him Its just more stupidity that Ralph forced his coaches and GMs like Knox and Polian to have to walk on eggshells and pretend to listen to her opinions over the true pro scouts who made their way up thru the ranks and had access to the key info supplied to them by college coaching staffs Ahmad Rashad All pro WR we lose to Vikes over 15k.....how dumb of a non investment was that decided on by Littman and Wilson??? Historically they made piss poor decisions always.......the few bright times in the history of this team was provided by Knox and Polian and Butler.....the old man ushered them all away....and when they left all 3 brought great success to their new teams where success had not been for awhile (Seattle Colts & Chargers) and Ralph and Littman returned to their normal pattern of poor judgement...intrusive behavior,,,and continual losing Again....that behavior gets you in the HOF??? please..... The ONLY possible justification for his HOF is his history of sticking up for small cities and no relocations.....However...even now at 90+ he cannot put together a plan and make public that ensures the viability of this team staying in Buffalo A classic homerun would have been to use his HOF speach as the opportunity to display such a grand plan to stick up for small city Buffalo...it would have sent the clear message as to why he was being inducted
  24. Bill Polian never "would not return Tom Condon's calls...thats bull ****"....what was true...and rings very ture to history...is Polian wanted to lock Wilford up before his contract expired....Ralph and Littman wished to let the contract play out and see what happens in free agency....Ralph (that f%%$ idiot) gets screwed by a slick move by the Colts who offered Wilford a contract the Bills could not match....and Ralph & Littman BEGGED the NFL to let them pay Wilford and keep him....but the NFL awarded Wilfords contract to Colts....POLIAN was right all along....and the same bumbling idiots who blewoff Rashad and Cousineau & Cribbs now lost Will Wolford at a critical time.... The loss of Wilford hurt the Bills just enough where we went from being 7 pt favorites in Superbowl to being decided underdog..... I also asked Polian and he mentioned Littman killed a deal that would have sent DT Pierce Holt to Buffalo.... No Wilford...no Pierce Holt....no superbowl....but ralph can count his $$$$$
  25. And we can go down the list why his actions forced GM John Butler and AJ Smith and entire scouting crew to leave to San Diego.... Gee what qualifications do you think Ralph's daughter had? What do you think Polian and the like felt about having to hear her opinion? Last decade San Diego and Colts have been model franchises...Ralph's Bills have simply returned to what they were prior to the Polian era The winning era provided by Polian/Butler was the exception not the rule for Ralph's teams... And this old man is in the HOF ?? And if he is in the HOF because he sticks up for small franchises and no franchise relocations...they why doesnt he unveil his plan to this small market how he has secured the Bills to stay in this area for a long time???
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