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Everything posted by Blainorama5

  1. R.I.P. Franco. So many great games! Truly a legend of the NFL!
  2. Flew my Bills flag as usual, but also got to Facetime with my niece just before the first half ended - who was at her first Bills game EVER!!! She was obviously the good luck charm.
  3. Missed the playoffs because my QB (Murray) got ZERO points. 😝 Hate the Cardinals even more now.
  4. Rescue that poor man from Houston! Yeeeesh!!
  5. Not a bad move for this time of year. He should be healthy at this point and they can move McKenzie back to the jet sweeps/motion etc where he does a much better job. Depth is KEY for a legit SB run!!!
  6. Thanks for the roller coaster. 😉😞
  7. I think it's actually good marketing. The plans are not 100% final - I believe that was stated right up front. Folks have been waiting with anticipation for awhile, so letting out a couple of renderings starts to give folks a sense that it is a real thing. As I've looked thru the comments I get the feeling that MOST (not all) of the folks on THIS message board in fact like it. Of course folks have questions - that goes with the territory. After being in marketing for over 30 years, I think it was smart to give out a little taste now instead of letting out ALL the full details (that you may want), when in all likelhood, a lot of those details aren't even complete yet. Have patience my friend - we'll all get what we want in the end. Personally, I think the direction they went is spot on. Hope they keep the 3 large buffalo out front - awesome touch and that should become an iconic scene evetnually....
  8. Love it!!! Looks modern, but not over the top. I think the interior is a good compromise between maintaining the outdoor stadium feel and more of a dome-ish approach. LOVE the 3 huge buffalos out front - sweeeeet!!
  9. Yup. While Bills fans may be some of the craziest fans, here's another example of why they are also the kindest. Nice job to those who helped this guy up the steps. You Rock!!!
  10. Geez! Thanks for making my heart stop! Had no idea he had gotten hurt on that play, didnt' see anything until your post. Hoping it's just a cramp as well. Great victory last night but this rash of injuries is getting to me. Ugh!!
  11. Get er done!!!
  12. Gonna need the Dline to step it up since our secondary is definitely less than 100%. If Von performs up to the hype, I feel like the Bills will have a good shot this week. If not... our secondary might be in trouble.
  13. PLUS... Josh is playing in Cali. Close to home, tell me HE ain't pumped for this game too!
  14. Great stuff! I've always liked him (even before you did) 😉 but seeing how he has produced consistently the more time he's been given, I don't see why he can't have a truly amazing career if they can keep him around with Josh. Gonna be a very expensive roster after they win the you know what.
  15. I especially like that the last scene in that clip was Mahommes looking all dejected! An omen ... ???
  16. Watched a few videos on Martin and he seems like a good kid. Likes to be outdoors, fish, etc. Betcha he'll fit right in. I'll take really good (but not Great) ... with consistency... any day of the week. No more 70 yarders then 5 20s and 2 shanks. A reliable 40+ yards is all this team should need this year.
  17. Wow! Well that's not a bad thing for the Bills for sure.
  18. Direct TV streaming is not available at my address and have NEVER wanted to get DTV anyway, so this is VERY welcome news!!
  19. Only as long as he's an "elite" holder.... 😉
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