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Everything posted by Blainorama5

  1. OMG! Table jumping is one thing - but now we're moving onto pit diving sacrifices?? Only in Buffalo. 😂😂
  2. Love it! Josh will look good hurdling the KC defense....
  3. Ed is another Dude (besides Josh). Great season so far, thought he might take it easy after the $$ but he has gladly proven me wrong!!
  4. Relatively the same blueprint as today. Get a lead and let our DL try to tee off on MaCryBaby.
  5. He's a Dude! Plain and simple
  6. Sounds perfect!! Keep him over in the AFC West!
  7. I just wish that Thor, Iron Man, Capt America and definitely that underachieving Hawkeye... will pull their weight too!
  8. Ahhh ! You're having the same nightmare I am. But I'm trying too, trying hard....
  9. Hope you're right..... I'm one of those "everyone" folks.
  10. At least they didn't give you some long convoluted reason. "Get lost" was pretty succinct!
  11. Does the NFL get fined if the Refs start throwing snowballs back at the crowd ??
  12. Wonder if the extra day will help Douglas be ready to play.... ?
  13. Niners and KC at home is nice! Don't think that slate is as bad as this year's looked, at least at the moment.....
  14. Just incredible. Have really been down on Sherfield this year but boy did he come thru tonight!!!
  15. Josh is just a "Dude"
  16. YYYYEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. C'mon Titans ... close this game out!!! Tonight's gonna be tough enough, the tension in this game is killin me.
  18. Awesome news! Can't count on the Titans, so any little breaks for the Bills is just fine for me. 👍
  19. Definitely one of the better road unis in the league!
  20. The Bills' confidence is clearly surging! Yeah, it has the makings for a trap game of sorts I guess, but remember, playing on the left coast is like a homecoming game for Josh. He'll be amped up and ready to go! Just gotta... keep... fighting!!!!
  21. Hate to say it but.... Go Jags!!!!
  22. of course. Seen this script way too many times and it never seems to change.
  23. Same story at the end of close games.... Josh goes down and does just enough and then we all watch as the defense implodes and gives the game away. Seen this story sooooo many times. Oh and it never hurts for the other team to have the refs in their pockets too. Always a nice bonus.
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