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  1. Wow! Very surprising to see so many 100 sections available. Yeeesh. I'd be embarrassed if I was a KC fan.
  2. Always good to be a discerning fan while on the road.
  3. Underdog again. Like it!!
  4. We don't win wthout Bass tonight.
  5. It's the turnover battle! Bills have won most of those this year thankfully, but look at Detroit last night... 4 turnovers just sucked the life out of any chance their overmatched D might have had. If Bills stay true to form and get those turnovers and steal possessions like they've been doing, they can withstand/limit the inevitable damage that Lamar and Henry will do. The D definitely can't come in half-a**ed. Don't think they will either!
  6. Hardest games are at home - what's not to like?
  7. When is Raul coming back??? D misses him badly!
  8. Boo Hoo
  9. Back now 🤪
  10. Looks like CBS is OFF the air. Generally not a good look for a major network.
  11. Here's hoping Miami's throwbacks help them as much as the Giants' did!!
  12. For once... not gonna disagree with ol' Rexy
  13. Leaping large tiger pits in a single bound (reminds me of a couple of KC games). Go Josh!!!!
  14. I get it. They clearly are treating Kincaid as a "6th" WR. Maybe just cut Allen... not like he's gonna help the team this year. 😉
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