His brother(not Travon) was involved in some serious legal trouble. Not sure if this is related to him not showing up at camp, just throwing that out there.
If you wanna trash a sport, at least try to know what you're talking about. Some of the most gifted athletes on the world play Lacrosse, and alot of them push near a million in salary
I was told he is awful!!!! Considering players, coaches and experts around the league speak highly of Oliver, I guess most of this fanbase know more than them. 🙄
I don’t wanna hear anyone saying “Bills get no respect “. 6 primetime games tied for most with Chiefs and Cowgirls. Also 4 National games of the week. The Networks love the Bills, that’s for sure.
If any of you are mad at the rumors or leaks on the Bills schedule, just wait until the Bills are scheduled to play the Chiefs this year after the Chiefs bye week!