Remember how buffalo finished 13-3 last year, all their losses by a combined 8 points. All the losses could have and should have been wins if they didn’t shoot themselves in the foot, all with a first year OC and a roster depleted with injuries? All while upgrading what little weaknesses they had in the offseason! Yeah…. I think they’ll be just fine.
6-11. I refuse to follow along like sheep and predict a great record!!! (I’m kidding of course!).
Ok…and 3 of those FIVE losses, not 4, have been one score games.
In one of his segments, he rambles off a bunch of names of QBs who wont win a Super Bowl this year. He mentions Haskins, even though he is dead. Also lists Johnny Manziel and Paxton Lynch amongst the other names of QBSs who wont win a Super Bowl this year. I'm not sure if this was a lame attempt at comedy, low brow at that... or if he has completely lost his mind!
No matter what you do while you're visiting, nothing will compare to the gameday atmosphere. Get there early like around 8am and enjoy the tailgating! Most bills fans are friendly and hospitable. Once you get into the stadium, prepare for one of the best experiences of your life!!
I admit, this was an interesting read. Up until the point where you throw out the idea of the Bills trading Allen. Our franchise QB! Under no circumstances do you trade Allen. NO CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!