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Everything posted by Weatherman

  1. Same players making the same dumb mistakes week after week. We’re better with Knox on the bench.
  2. 3 points from ARIZONA brought to you by the Bills specials teams. Robert’s and Bojo
  3. Robert’s lost us 35 yards on 2 returns and gained us 15 on 1 return. We would be +20 yards if he took a knee.
  4. I have Bass as my FF kicker...so I’m good with this
  5. I’m tired of their TE getting 5 yards every 3/4th down.
  6. bAsS wAs A bAd DrAfT pIcK !
  7. Least athletic guy on our team guarding the TE....dumb!
  8. Shake that Bass bi$&@ and let me see what ya got!
  9. Can’t wait to see how the Pats hedge their bets on this one. My guess: They will hire a person of color as GM/Coach (4 3rd round picks) and Bilichick will fall in as assistant head coach/ gm. Fire said coach / gm after the year and hire another one.
  10. Fixed it for you.
  11. Take it to the bank...Pats win in regulation
  12. When the biggest cry baby in NFL history that’s on a first name basis with every official doesn’t play for them anymore.
  13. Throw deep into double coverage on first down up by 7 with 5 minutes left. That’s vintage Indianapolis Colts circa 2011.
  14. So the clock expired 3 seconds ago Mr. official
  15. AJ Klein, just when I think you you could not play any worse you go and do something like this........aaand totally redeem yourself!
  16. Wow what are we doing? You make the first down it’s pretty much game over
  17. Didn’t they tackle Josh by the head w/ no call?
  18. These officials giving it to us rough with no lube!
  19. Welcome back week 1-4 Buffalo Bills, we’re glad to have you. Please stick around a while!
  20. Knox catches like Klein tackles.
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