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Everything posted by silvermike

  1. New York Jets, inc. should buy the naming rights to Giants stadium. Hell, Ralph should buy the rights to Pro Player and rename it Buffalo Bills Stadium
  2. I don't think I want to spend a top 10 pick, if we get one, on a WR this year. It'll be a need once Moulds leaves, yeah, but I think there's usually good enoungh #2 guys in Free agency every year. I'd much rather take a CB - we'd be left without one altogether if Nate's gone, and if we can snag Rolle or Jones, we'd have a bookend for, well, the next five years.
  3. Here's to Kevin Federline - Hero of the Common Man! Now, I'm not saying that Britney is the ultimate woman or anything - she's slutty, dumb, and annoying, but beyond that, she has to be objectively one of hte most attractive women on the planet, not to mention fabulously rich and famous. And she married, and was impregnated by, an average-looking, obnoxious, trashy dude. I read somewhere he likes to chug a beer in her face and taunt her since she can't drink because of the pregnancy. So, he's also a douchebag. And Britney married him. So, fellas, next time you see a girl and think "She's out of my league" think of Federline. She isn;t.
  4. Who would give us a first rounder for someone they know we can't afford in 2006 and could sign for free? Additionally, they'd likely be unable to resign him also, so is a 1st round pick worth a year of Nate Clements to any team in the league? I'm not so sure.
  5. I can't figure out why anyone would give up a bucket for Clemens if everyone knows that we're not going to keep him around next year anyway. WHy not wait until we give him up and sign him to a big contract (which you'd have to do any way) and not part with a top-10 pick?
  6. We should go out and put together a "Where are they now" section: him, ICE, spikedlemonade...who else?
  7. I think we should head over to wherever theBlackBear is currently stationed and chase him away with theKoalaBear. Man, here's to the authorities that chased that guy off.
  8. We re-signed Joe Burns, didn't we? He'll work as a special-teams ace alongside the actual runningbacks.
  9. I just don't understand why the state has any interest in banning cousin marriage. I think it's pretty gross myself, but I think lots of things are pretty gross. I don't make laws based on what I think is gross, otherwise Nate Newton would have to emigrate (well, I don't make laws anyway, but you know what I mean.) Yes, there is a marginally increased risk of genetic defects. But we can find lots of people that, if they married, would have a high risk of genetic defects. I don't mean to be insensitive, but marrying Jim Kelly gives your children a hugely increased risk of Krabbe's Disease. Banning cousin-marriage on this grounds is equivalent to banning marriage to Jim Kelly.
  10. Before I got it, I was almost disappointed. I am looking forward to watching that fool sputter and fall, and he couldn't have picked a nicer town. It'll be a fun year
  11. I wonder though, seriously - if you were the starting QB of the Buffalo Bills, would you read TSW? I really might, at least, if I was still popular. Drew'd probably be scared off. TD would find it hilarious, I'd bet. Now, could you just overcome the temptation to post?
  12. What could the Broncos possibly see in the Cleveland D-Line? Did they watch that train wreck of franchise and say, hey, I wish I could get me some of THAT?
  13. There are two playoff wins between the top 15 attendence teams. I have no idea what that means,
  14. I think San Diego ate his entire bonus when they traded him. God, what a bum career that guy's had.
  15. The real atrocity is when Kelly Holcomb takes the sacred #10. Come on Ralph: AVP on the Wall today!
  16. I think you all underestimate Derrick Blaylock, their only signing. Because he's worth it. I think the Jets plan to conver thim to quarterback, where's basically going to break all of Marino's records. And runback kicks. Oh, and he's automatic inside 55. And...well, I'm out of ideas. I think he can longsnap.
  17. What have you been doing since 2003 Bash Gash? You've had a slow 18 months.
  18. DO you have a link? I"ve been looking!
  19. Hey, I'd say everybody wins. THe other 31 teams benefit from the Redskins not having the right team together, and Snyder gets to giggle in his profits. Poor Skins fans, I guess, but who likes them?
  20. Wohoo! I've always said, the one thing that keeps this team for a championship is its complete lack of players from the 1990 NFC Central champion Detriot Lions!
  21. Yeah, but they're 17M over the cap with Randy Moss coming in. They wanted to trade him before he signed his tender, then they got suckered out of all their leverage. Barring some pretty painful other cuts, they'd like to move him VERY soon.
  22. I think the Raiders would jump to trade Woodson for Henry right now, because it would be a purely cash-based move. The man counts $10M against their cap, they got burned pretty badly and he's not budging. If they asked a 7th round pick for him, there would be few suitors.
  23. Wait, just so I'm clear: a 1994 first rounder, a 1994 third rounder, and a 1996 1st rounder? Holy crap. Jeff George for Marvin Harrison and a 1st round pick.
  24. 4.3 is a lot faster than 4.5, yeah. BUt it doesn't necessarily translate that well - you have to be fast, but moreover, you have to be quick, and that's not in 40 times. The difference between a 4.3 guy and a 4.5 guy on, say, a goal-line to goal-line kickoff return is....one half of a second. Nice, but I'd take the guy who can cutback, the guy who can stiff-arm, and the guy who's got soft hands. There's a reason Antonio Brown isn't Randy Moss.
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