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Everything posted by silvermike

  1. Miami folks? They blow holes. (ducks)
  2. It's great he went to UB, and Reed does in fact suck, but it doesn't change the fact that Drew Haddad isn't an NFL player. He has two games in his career. TWO. And one catch to show for it, and a couple of kick returns that average 9.5 yards. That's not punts, and that's terrible. He's also 27 years old, and was drafted in 2000. I'm sorry, but if you catch one ball in your first five seasons, it's time to take a peek up in Canada.
  3. Fare the well Jerry. At least you made it into Madden 2006. Which reminds me, the list of Tecmo Super Bowlers still active in the NFL is shrinking away...we've still got Tupa, Ricky Proehl, and Vinny, at last check.
  4. And also, Donahoe rufuses (sic) to cut Drew Bledsoe because it proves he wasted a second round pick on the useless piece of crap!!! That's why Drew's going to be back this season, even though he's clearly washed up and causing this team to lose! Oh, wait.
  5. I'm not convinced goal-line carries are going to be an issue - recently, only Moe Williams and Jerome Bettis have really made an appreciable dent, and there really just aren't that many goal-line carries to be had: plenty of TDs on passes, or runs longer than a yard or two. Tiki Barber will reward you if you get points for catches or extra bonuses for yards even more so. Past that, Jerry Porter is a solid fantasy WR, and Kevin Jones is a pretty big question mark. He's got some talent and is a rising star, but on a truly terrible team that won't be running much. ANd the Ravens might be the best fantasy defense there is Don't get hosed.
  6. which makes, I'd imagine, five gallons - certainly plenty. For some reason I just envisioned huge fermenting units or something. Obviously, I'll start doing some of my own research.
  7. ...PROPER porked, if you ask me.
  8. Also, homebrewers - what kind of space do you need for something like that? My feeling is that there's no way to pull it off in an apartment, but I'm hoping that's not the case.
  9. Note to Drew: Throw to Jason Witten if you want to win the game. But then hurry out of the locker room.
  10. If you can't sell 50 proof beer, why can you sell 100 proof whiskey? I don't mind something like that being regulating in the same way as distilled liquors, but I can't imagine banning it just because it's too strong for beer.
  11. Dallas is a clearinghouse for average-to-bad recievers already. Keyshawn, Quincy Morgan, Terry Glenn - Peerless should fit right in.
  12. Yeah, he'll be a real step up from Jerry Rice for them. ::
  13. He's just a really critical guy - he doesn't like Donahoe, but he doesn't like any other GM either - so it's a wash.
  14. I'm really not sure why they're so jumpy at the position. Branch was the super bowl MVP, and Givens had a really solid season. Peerless Price is basically just an expensive Bethel Johnson at this point.
  15. Price won't get much more than the minimum if he's behind Roddy White and Michael Jenkins on the depth chart of a time that's been sore at WR. Philly would be interested, but I think they've already got a burner in Greg Lewis. Maybe Kansas City?
  16. I think the time has come for the Buffalo Metro to get some use. YOu know, if you live in North Buffalo, and work downtown. (I did for some time)
  17. What was so wrong with Aaron Rodgers that made them decide to take, say, Ronnie Brown, instead of swapping firsts with Seattle and getting Shaun Alexander?
  18. Hey, chances are, come 9/8, Drew Henson and Chris Weinke will still be gainfully employed by their teams, unlike Chad.
  19. I've heard (this should be corroborated) that there are still quicker evacuation routes out of the Delta by going West or East and then North, since traffic is already at a standstill due north. There's still 16 hours to go until anything touches down, so Cajun, you can still get out!
  20. Tory Woodbury was never going to be an NFL QB - he's already 27, with about as many cuts to his name as Ryan Leaf. The Bills spent some time fooling around and seeing what he had in special teams, but he was mostly there just as a body to train the receivers and spare the arms of our top three guys. It's a shame he just didn't have an NFL position - he's a terrific athlete. ReShard Lee's cut still surprises me a little bit, I haven't quite seen it from Gates yet. But generally, I think it might be a good sign for Haddad - another KR off the roster.
  21. I think it also depends quite a bit on your situation. If you're a student or just out of school with not a lot of money, you give something like $50. If you're a doctor or a lawyer or something, you can go into the $200-$300 range. Slight modifications on how close you are.
  22. What sort of league were you in where Horn was undrafted? That must have had some crappy players.
  23. Don't politicians traditionally have view on more than three issues?
  24. Grossman and Muhammad beat Sam Madison deep, on what was really not a great pass - I think we can beat these guys. Of course, they WERE 4-12, and lost (arguably) their best defensive player.r
  25. I don't think that we're going to see a healthy Ty Law for quite some time, if ever, really. So that swings it back towards a healthy, productive, Milloy.
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