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Everything posted by BillsToast

  1. People making distinctions and well-thought posts are not well received. Wait long enough and your silence will be violence.
  2. I guess you don't understand advertising costs... wait you don't understand much of anything. Ratings have been down the last few years in the NFL and now a big drop in the NBA. The right puts up with the non-sense in sports until they get disgusted enough to leave. Everyone has their own threshold. Now it's here, they keep pushing. Watch what happens in 2-4 years when the unions want raises and the revenues dip, which they will. If it wasn't for TV revenue the NFL would be in trouble already.
  3. I guess you didn't catch on that the act was political did you?
  4. I remember all the libtards during the Bush years saying it was 1984 group-think. Then I realized they wanted to be Big Brother.
  5. DTs are near the bottom of the list for worry. #1 is the QB he kinda sucks at passing so far, great athelete, but poor passer.
  6. Bills win with a score of 17-13 and super sloppy Other predictions... Josh looks like crap passing, runs effectively We run effectively enough to win Our defense steals the show... again
  7. The mouthpieces of honesty
  8. They would never do that. That only happens to bad people.
  9. So the media speaks about things they know nothing then? If they were so unreliable then why are they reliable now? Lastly, Trump was giving conjecture from the briefings. The Covid thing has been overblown since day 1 one direction or another. Now with the CDC admitting it's only 6% directly related and 2.4% from ancillary issues why hasn't the media blown that trumpet? Oh that's right they said it's a misunderstanding of the stats. It's been proven to be less deadly than the flu unless we count motorcyclists who die in accidents, and people with pneumonia who are dying who die WITH covid. To say Trump was underplaying it was proven to be correct.
  10. Just think of how much better our offense would have looked vertically if he was the QB. Says a lot.
  11. They'll stop when they have their Maoist takeover and fully enforce hate speech laws
  12. Kaep has been proven right... that he's the greatest useful idiot we've seen in this country for a long time
  13. I think this is far more accurate, but how do we explain for the trove of leaks at the beginning if there wasn't a massive amount of operatives to hurt Trump? I think it's both.
  14. When Pelosi, Cuomo encourage people to go out, visit Chinatown, go to the movies only a few places bring up this inconsistency and funny how Biden who said restricting travel from China was zenophobia... yeah those are the mouthpieces of objectivity.
  15. His success from the Bills and Jets is clearly shown
  16. I guess research wasn't your strong suit.
  17. Says the guy who would use compulsion to stop us from sharing ideas. How nice
  18. Last I checked your side last so does that make you loser squared?
  19. How dare you sir, they just want equality, and if they don't get it they'll kill for it.
  20. So when they destroy cities without any unarmed people what's your excuse then? Such a liar.
  21. The perverts terrorizing people are now the victims. I think you missed your calling in life, should have been an inner city DA. Fighting his greatest enemy yet, an enemy so great and powerful he can't even see it... White Privilege
  22. He's half white so it was probably for white privilege
  23. BLM is peaceful, that's why I support their violent... I mean peaceful rallies of destruction... I mean protest
  24. Just win and who cares what the rankings are
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