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Everything posted by BillsToast

  1. For me the biggest change was how relaxed he was from the 1st snap to the last. He gets the jitters, he didn't today. Huge change IMO
  2. Yes the left owns this attack on the police. They own the burning and pillaging of cities. They own calling everything racist without evidence. Beating up the elderly and screaming obscenities in their faces. Terrorizing people walking down the street and at restaurants. If this was the right this would be a non-stop attack of domestic terrorism and the attackers arrested in 15 min with DA to release them. This is the US of liberalism. Deny it all you want, but this is the logical conclusion until they gain complete power. They are too stupid to realize what happens when they get it and and far too dumb to study history.
  3. So if this is grounded in reality today is this the same for Japanese, Chileans, and Iranians? Seems like some pretty weird legal theories. Also, this isn't 1954 America. White woman are claiming to be other races for jobs. That wouldn't happen in 1954 would it?
  4. If you continue like this I'll be forced to call you the R word, oh yes, you know what word that is... radiologist
  5. Proof its racial though? Good luck
  6. I want to see how the media would react to a white guy kneeling for the Black National Anthem. I could imagine the balanced and nuanced takes that would exist, and see how they really feel about kneeling for the anthem. Their mask would get ripped off for what it is.
  7. Sorry but this just proves how tone deaf you are. All languages were built around white oppression and colonialism. DUH!!!
  8. Why? The media is impartial, unbiased and fair to both sides of the argument.
  9. Yes we need to impeach him!!! Oh wait you tried that.
  10. Politics, like man, act in concrete situations not merely from a set philosophy. Unless you think the USSR still exists, and China is a 3rd world nation. Reads like medieval heresy without the imprimatur of the media.
  11. You sir are a lunatic. I say that because to demand consistency by the left this late in the game is the ultimate cry of insanity.
  12. Sounds like you just don't understand how bad things really are. WOW tone-deaf to the max. Yes BLM is a Marxist organization and yes one of the founders is openly a Marxist. So what? There are a lot of goodness found in the gulag if you do the study. Stalin and Chairman Mao were generous and it's a misunderstanding that those 2 together killed more people than WWI and WWII combined. They were actually quite loving.
  13. Did they teach you that in How to Win Friends and Influence Others sessions or are you that insecure about things.
  14. Just a conservative but I can tell you it's Constitutional. All monopolies pose a threat to democracy. If one newspaper dominated 80% of the news I would say the same thing. Also, all of these companies already get exemptions from lawsuits as neutral 3rd parties in theory. They've broken that with absolute proof. They should not be immune from lawsuits then. You can't claim "we're private" in one breath and ask for gov't immunity in another. Next, if you're a progressive why do you like the biggest corporations and the biggest lobby groups?
  15. None of our opinions matter, including yours, or mine. We go on message boards to have fun.
  16. I wish he was. Truth is until proven our offense has been putrid.
  17. Out of rep to give you a thumbs up, but WOW you couldn't have summarized it better. The country is burning physically and metaphorically and the biggest problem we face is racism while professors are claiming to be black because blacks can't get ahead in life. The world is upside down.
  18. This is my point though. People can't go out to eat as easily, they can't do as many things, and they are home. TV use and internet use is at an all-time high even with people cutting cable and the ratings drop. A 16% drop isn't a typical 16% drop. This is a big deal. Down-play it all you want, it's going to hurt the NFL massively long-term.
  19. This is the correct answer. It's about conversions, which is why I said number of users isn't the biggest metric. It will affect it long-term. Maybe I judged you wrong on media buying. That's why even with the increase of MAU and DAU during Covid on Facebook their prices have declined on a CPM basis. Conversions dropped. So now that you and I both know the gig what happens if the the user base truncates? You might be able to squeeze the advertiser short term for conversions but you can't hold that up. As long as the advertiser is getting sufficient conversions he can swallow it. Ratings are down 16% on the season opener. You don't think will affect negotiations if this continues? I do. It's undeniable it will happen, it's a when question. 16% is a huge deal when you have the SB champions play another playoff team.
  20. The entire model is not around TV, it's around fans. Destroy fanhood and no one watches on TV. Squeezing every penny from viewers by the 1,000 (CRM for those that don't know) doesn't work long-term. It's more like saying if people didn't use the Iphone Apple's stock would be worth less. Only a stupid person would deny that. Call potential BS on much of what you said. There is no way you sold tens of millions of ads as the creator of an application. App creators, and I've been their media buyer, don't buy media personally. They hire people when they hit the level you proclaim you hit. So either you don't know the person you're writing to, or pretending you wore all the hats. Media buying, especially at the level of a million dollar+ app is not a part time job for an operation that big. Let's go back to media on TV and since you know all this stuff: Facebook's user base hasn't increased with real users in years yet their CRM costs are rising The same is true with Google search, their CRMs have gone up dramatically without massive increases to their users Can you explain why then if you are such an accomplished media buyer? And once you explain the answer then you'll see why TV revenue can still increase in the short term.
  21. Yeah because when the right is divided we argue back. When the left is divided they argue we shouldn't have the right to argue back... But gaslighting?
  22. Yup shut up and play. We're not there to listen to an ignorant athlete lecture us on complex political issues.
  23. They can say whatever they want, but no one wants them turning the sport into a political charade and using the influence of media to silence and worse destroy people who disagree like Drew Brees. Worse they shouldn't force on us a league doing it. Personal stuff, go ahead, but don't make it about the lies this is about Kaep is right, they is a capitulation to the mob. What @Jerome007 said was right. They are decimating people's fanhood in the league, mine included. Not an assumption. Look up ratings over the last decade as it drops. Look at the NBA this playoff time because it's happening there too.
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