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Everything posted by BillsToast

  1. I meant a fake pandemic, not that it's fake in itself. It's real, it's just not a Pandemic like the movie. It does lead to death if you have the right biomarkers. Pandemic is a marketing term for this, it's not a real pandemic in extent, only in reach.
  2. The ultimate racism because all white people are racist now, which they FINALLY admitted, but we knew what they really thought. Systemic Racism = White Racism Because other racists can't be racist, they don't have power even when they occupy the Presidency, DOJ and Susan Rice which I listed separately for being such a blatant liar. Wow great summation of something that needs to be said.
  3. Here's May: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-26/italy-says-96-of-virus-fatalities-suffered-from-other-illnesses Can't find a newer one. If you can post it. My point stands, it's an overinflated fake pandemic. I lived near a Covid testing center in a hospital in the height of this joke and it was it was always empty
  4. They explained it away. Not a refutation. They were saying the 6% didn't count because there were 2.4% more which shows the people saying 6% were wrong. It's laughable. Here read this: https://www.deseret.com/u-s-world/2020/3/19/21187208/coronavirus-covid-19-italy-deaths-cases I edited this because liberals only believe liberal sources: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-18/99-of-those-who-died-from-virus-had-other-illness-italy-says
  5. It's alright you never gave him credit when the economy was doing well. Libs still pretend it's the Obama economy so blame Obama
  6. Not if the team won, over 8 YPA, and he threw 3 TDs in the same game and had 2 killer games to finish the season last year.
  7. As a point of reference the best Comp % was Minshew at 95%.
  8. Presupposing you're right what's the science? Is it proven? Are there models consistent with the predictions? Also, supporting a model's science isn't supporting their economy. Weird right?
  9. So we have to dismiss the largest sample size with the most death with the city that complied the hardest with the lock-down? Selective sampling is a hard test. Personally the whole Covid thing is a political hit-job. The amount of deaths it caused is minuscule in comparison to the life it took from the lock-downs from lack of cancer screenings, other testing, suicides, poverty which will lead to crime, divorce, etc.. I also believe the CDC numbers of 6% of people who directly died is accurate, as well as the additional 2.4% so a 8.4% of deaths. So far it's proven less fatal than the flu if the CDC #s are accurate. If they aren't and it's a "pandemic" why don't I know anyone who's died from it? Why don't I have 1 friend, relative, or acquaintance that has? I do however have friends who died from long-term pneumonia who they labeled Covid after he died, same with another guy who died of a heart-attack with heart issues. If COVID deaths are so accurate why are they doing this? Because EVERYTHING in a political year is political.
  10. That's a fair argument, but what could he have done differently? Every country got it to some degree. Social distancing/quarantining didn't work. The only model that is working is Sweden.
  11. Sure agreed, but then relinquish your right to be immune from lawsuits. It works both ways. I don't care if Twitter blocks whomever they want if they violate a neutral TOS, but if you use the TOS, and create "fact checkers" to punish certain people than you lose neutrality. That simple.
  12. It used to be "he has the gold makes the rules." The Dems are the party of attorneys and they are the power in this. Still waiting for the clown show posse exposing this just as "Trump lies!!!"
  13. The problem is who determines libel or slander? Who gets to determine truth? To put it more practically a bunch of liberal interns become "arbiters of truth". That's a publisher, not a neutral party. When the Chinese scientist on Twitter is trying to prove that the Coronavirus was made by a lab she was shut down. The "fact checkers" aren't scientists or doctors, which I thought was their criteria. When these companies determine was is true or not true from doctors and scientists, or determine political language is "Hate" then they are publishers. Therefore either remove their right to be a neutral party and allow them to be sued or let people talk and let the individuals get sued. But you can't be both.
  14. Proof? NADA States that lock-down harder had worse cases. CDC shows that lock-downs have done little to nothing. E.g. NYC
  15. That's half the problem. You wouldn't know a lie if it smashed you in the face.
  16. Says the party who started, paid for and lied about Russia and spied on their political opponents. Yup, we believe you.
  17. If you think Covid is a serious issue for most people talk to nurses who work in those departments. They will tell you it's all overblown. I have, it was illuminating. What @Big Blitz said is correct. Less than 10% of the people die from Covid.
  18. It's the reason why the ratings are falling so rapidly for pro sports in general. Don't insult the audience would be rule #1 about your fans.
  19. Written in the ultimate beta male mindset. If you've never had to put order into a mob than you wouldn't understand. Oh wait you love the mob and riots and pretend it's just the cops. Why do all the people who want to defund the police use security or actual police to protect them with guns?
  20. You might have heard of the post hoc fallacy but I doubt you made it that far in school. Don't worry I can hear you copying and pasting in Google now. Next I never argue death with people who believe in abortion. I find its a tad ironic people who believe in murdering children. Last, aren't you part of the group of "don't judge" and morality is subjective? Sounds like you haven't figured that one out too. Keep going...
  21. Trump is just a bully for the actual violence and stupidity of the left
  22. Let me get this straight... Trump caused 200k deaths but those who called travel bans zenophobic didn't? Trump could have stopped this somehow? If so tell me how? Quarantining didn't work. Sorry you're writing lunacy. Worse the left said the answer is social distancing and got health officials to say people protesting the quarantines were super spreaders, but having mass protests won't do anything. Next, I don't believe the death toll numbers as caused by Covid, in the same way I don't believe the gov't was immunizing Guatemalans while giving them gonorrhea. https://www.colorlines.com/articles/us-gov-secretly-infected-thousands-guatemalans-stds History proves everything during an election year is political.
  23. For all of those who said 300 yards was arbitrary, didn't mean anything, yadda yadda can you admit you got excited that he did it? Come on just admit it. Because it was freaking awesome.
  24. A+ requires an almost perfect game of 80%+ completions, 2-3 TDs, no turn-overs, 350+ yards and simply dominant performance A requires an almost perfect game of 70-75% completion rate, 2-3 TDs, no turn-overs, 250-350 yards and simply dominant with 1 turnover Otherwise Allen has already reached the perfect game. I don't think he did. I think he turned in a legendary performance that deserves our praise. He's gets a B+ and he just looks DIFFERENT and ready to play this year.
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