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Everything posted by BillsToast

  1. Imagine for 1 second this was in favor of Trump. The sheer amount of fury on the national dialogue would be immense. Right now? Crickets on the homepage of CNN, NYT, MSDNC, etc.. And the dummy liberal want to tell us how "what's fair is fair." If we said Obama was an Indonesian without US citizenship and built out a fake case for 2.5 years I'm sure they would think it was fine too.
  2. Fake news, they committed a lot more fraud than that.
  3. Biggest Surprise? Scoring this many points and feeling they are leaving points on the table by letting their foot off the gas Biggest Fail? Allowing other teams score on us. Either it's offensive holding they are not calling this year, or the lack of fans make that big of a difference to offenses. So many QBs can't be studs this year. It seems like a rating of 100 for QBs is now the standard in 2020. There are 13 QBs at 100 rating or higher and while that will go down, that says something changed.
  4. The science that says X and Y chromosomes lead to gender? The science that says 40%+ of transgenders attempt suicide? Those who push climate "science" all fly on private jets, mansions running AC and live on the coast lines? That if bikers get together it's a "super spreader" for Corona but when BLM activists do it it's ok? Or the liberals who call it a fetus when they want to kill it, but the moment they want it they call it a baby? Yes... but I'm the guy who failed. hahahahaha
  5. But when Joe says black need to vote for him or they ain't black, or insults troops, or calls women pony faced or the other 1,00000000 things he says much worse than Trump it's just a joke. Ok... we believe you hahahaha
  6. Yes it meant he would follow the law, follow the rules, and evidence and facts... #HeShouldHang
  7. Just think of the liberals helped close our borders and stopped flights instead of calling it zenophobia how much better we would be.
  8. Yes, the bricks, baseball bats, fires were peaceful. It was the people's misconception of how to use them. Peaceful Bricks for President!
  9. And you're the party against using guns at home. What a joke hahahahhaa
  10. Behind the best D in football or the 2nd best. Look at his stats when he started for the last year with us and tell me how many QBs you'd take with 19 TDs 16 INTs, 200 yards a game, and a 75 QB rating. That would be 3rd string or a rookie. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/F/FlutDo00/gamelog/1999/
  11. As far as the transformation of stats from college to the NFL I think its a few factors that make a massive difference. 1. They changed the schemes to match what they know 2. They changed the rules to make those schemes effective 3. WRs have stickum on their hands with these modern gloves 4. QBs feel less physical pressure as they can't get hurt like they used and can relax more I don't think for a second Kyler Murray could exist on the 80's Broncos like Elway. Simplified spread offenses, more read and react, and changing the rules turned Farve from a career 80's QB rating to the 100's for the Jets. He wasn't that much better, the game changed.
  12. Strong arguments... coming from El Mentiroso the bullfighter of BS
  13. Not anymore. They are going to run this 1st page of all the papers and the media will expose the ®ussian Connection TODAY!!!
  14. C Section, Little Tiber and BullBS are the masters of lying and performance art. I mean no one is that stupid.
  15. Not necessarily, and this is considered mail-in so I'll go with the evidence.
  16. Because mail-in voting would never have fraud... already https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdpa/pr/statement-us-attorney-freed-inquiry-reports-potential-issues-mail-ballots
  17. I think the difference is Allen always has the highest upside of all the QBs in the league, but also had the lowest floor. The difference is his floor went WAY up this year, and the ceiling is basically uncharted because there is no limit at this point. Has there ever been a QB this big, fast, and insane arm? Mahomes has a big arm, but Allen's is bigger. Mahomes is athletic, but Allen is more athletic. Mahomes has proven more with his arm live in games. If Allen can catch up he still has a higher ceiling than Mahomes which is freaking scary. He's basically Big Ben 4.0: stronger, faster, bigger arm and NOW more accurate. Ahhh... scary.
  18. The dictatorship of railroading a coup against a president to hamstring him for 2 years? The same dictatorship that is changing democracy in the name of democracy? Or maybe the left promising that after the election they won't accept the results anyways but when Trump says it somehow it's magically sedition and a dictatorship?
  19. Don't feed the trolls... It's obvious the left is run by Marxists and terrorists and funded by outside influences. They don't care about 200k Americans because when a cop is killed they celebrate it. They laughed and mocked Trump's brother's death. They scream hypocrisy that they are guilty of. It's all a charade of unhinged maniacs.
  20. The problem with these types of analysis is every QB who has protection could have thrown for 500 yards with 7 TDs. Many plays can easily be shown that the QB missed a read. If it was so easy everyone would be a QB. In real time you just want proficiency on the play, not perfection. Perfection is the enemy of the good. When he shows Brown open I don't think any QB is that capable. I'm not saying Allen is infallible, but as far as a QB that is as close to perfect as you can get in the last game. I'm sure Drew Brees 2 years ago might have had a higher completion % in that game, but not as many yards or TDs or yards as he checks down frequently. Each QB has their strengths.
  21. If only leftists weren't attacking the president from stopping flights as zenophobic so many lives would be saved. Scumbag leftists murderers!
  22. Ahhh marketers. That's all they are at this point. Just like Stephen A and many others. Once you "catch on" you stop caring, you realize they are just morons clothed with some ghastly authority.
  23. I agree with you 100%. The problem isn't the truth, that is rarely important in politics. If a party has already legalized infanticide where the baby is already BORN in NC and NY, forget beating heart at 5 weeks, do you really think they will find it a cause of murder? Of course not. We're in a gruesome time friend, one that will be looked at by historians as humorous as we're taught to hate ourselves, our heritage and praise murder as being responsible as the entire West is destroyed through apathy, laziness, and imbecility.
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