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Everything posted by BillsToast

  1. Hey if the NFL was really about tolerance and being inclusive why not have a Christianity month, a Mormon Month, etc.. You're spot on.
  2. Wrong Dan!!! He's denounced it before! Listen for yourself.
  3. I think this is where they are at and I agree with you. I think they are intentionally trashing the season. If I had some rep I'd give you a thumbs up
  4. Just think of the irony: If Trump dies from this the left will celebrate But they really care about the deaths from the Covid 19
  5. The moron who wrote that doesn't realize a real fascist dictator would imprison him for writing that, and the person who posted that likewise lacks the common sense to not realize if he really was a fascist dictator they would be in jail as well.
  6. I'll make it REALLY obvious this is a media hoax and you're slandering him:
  7. That's a dog whistle for "racist white people". I can't stand gunaphobics and hatred for "the other". (sorry I couldn't resist talking like a libtard)
  8. Then you'd abort yourself. I never said they were. Words have meanings. Fetus etymologically comes from Latin meaning "offspring". While it's not a born baby, it has legal rights in cases of murdering the mother. The murderer is charged for killing the woman and the fetus. As explained I'm referring to actual infanticide after birth AND abortion. Here's the article again, you'll notice it's talking about a born baby, not a fetus: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/may/21/infanticide-bills-put-democratic-governors-hot-sea/
  9. I am certain you vote for the left. You don't know what you're talking about on any subject whatsoever. A fetus is not an infant, but the left has approved infanticide of children that have been born: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/may/21/infanticide-bills-put-democratic-governors-hot-sea/ Abortion is the killing of an innocent life and is murder. Go watch Silent Scream by an abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson or Eclipse of Reason by the same professional. You'll see what an abortion looks like. Until then learn the facts or stop talking about things you know nothing about.
  10. The party of calling everyone a racist when they are the racists; the party of putting more emphasis on bad police than cultures that are destroying each other. Infanticide is murder. And if abortion isn't murder why do libtards protect bald eagles eggs?
  11. Good argument! Deny the facts all you want but you're the party of murder.
  12. Wallace: You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically calling out Antifa — Trump: That’s right. Wallace: — and other left-wing extremist groups. But are you willing, tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups — Trump: Sure. Wallace: — and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha, and as we’ve seen in Portland. Trump: Sure, I’m willing to do that. Wallace: Are you prepared specifically to do it. Trump: I would say — Wallace: Go ahead, sir. Trump: I would say almost everything I see is from the left wing not, not from the right wing. Wallace: So what are you — what are you saying? Trump: I’m willing to do anything. I want to see peace. Wallace: Well, then, do it, sir. Trump: I am — Biden: Say it. Do it. Say it. Trump: Do you call them — What do you want to call them? Give me a name. Give me a name. Wallace: White supremacist — and right-wing militia. Trump: Go ahead. Who would you like me to condemn? Biden: White supremacists. The Proud Boys. Trump: Who. Wallace: White supremacists and right-wing militia. Trump: Proud Boys, stand back and stand by. But I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what. Somebody’s got to do something about Antifa and the left. Because this is not a right-wing problem —
  13. Wallace asked him to do that and he was using Wallace's words you ignorant tool. But to be a liberal is to lack comprehension. Don't worry through you can still read Dr. Seuss.
  14. No need you're still laying down in bed with your worthless life.
  15. I think, if I can speak for him, he'd say you posted a fabricated life and refuse to remove yourself.
  16. Rather defend a truth than lie and pretend I'm right. Admit it, you're a professional troll and this is performance art. You don't have facts, just sissy name calling. The 2nd grade is calling.
  17. Allen will have a bad game, maybe 2 or sadly 3 for the year but his transformation is 100% real. The pass to Kroft for a TD he would never throw in his 1st 2 years with a soft jump ball feel. The seam pass to Beasley he couldn't throw consistently, and his touch TD pass to Diggs he couldn't throw with touch as the game was going too fast. In other words he learned touch, the game slowed down, and he's for real. We have 12-15 years of great QBing for the 1st time in a long ever with new training, rehab, and exercise routines. If he can stop trying to Hulk the defense his body will hold up. Still it's amazing to watch. I just hate watching fans go psycho when he will have a bad game. He's going to be a great one.
  18. The real racist is the one who sees race in an argument. Go wear the shoe.
  19. Why they are doing it seems obvious to me. When baseball went on strike the guys came back huge and juiced as MLB knows they wanted to see offense and a breaking of records to help bring back the fans. McGuire Sosa brought back a lot of eyes that went away the 1st year post strike. This year ratings are way down and it's probably the growing frustration and striking of fans against the NFL and players turning political as well as CTE concerns. The ratings this year for the 1st few weeks for SNF, MNF have went down. SNF has gone down substantially. I think it's a ploy for to help come back and watch as fans like offense more than defense. I'm sure the loss of fans from the first bit of kneeling had the owners instruct players to stand or incentivized them. I think the league knew this year was going to be a bad year because of this. It's McGuire Sosa tactics for the NFL: overlook what you find to be offensive and in exchange more excitement. Even if you stay away it won't be for long after looking at the box scores.
  20. Against a fact there isn't an argument and yes you're lying.
  21. Shoot the messenger because you want to lie. Here's the transcript again: Wallace: You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically calling out Antifa — Trump: That’s right. Wallace: — and other left-wing extremist groups. But are you willing, tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups — Trump: Sure. Wallace: — and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha, and as we’ve seen in Portland. Trump: Sure, I’m willing to do that. Wallace: Are you prepared specifically to do it. Trump: I would say — Wallace: Go ahead, sir. Trump: I would say almost everything I see is from the left wing not, not from the right wing. Wallace: So what are you — what are you saying? Trump: I’m willing to do anything. I want to see peace. Wallace: Well, then, do it, sir. Trump: I am — Biden: Say it. Do it. Say it. Trump: Do you call them — What do you want to call them? Give me a name. Give me a name. Wallace: White supremacist — and right-wing militia. Trump: Go ahead. Who would you like me to condemn? Biden: White supremacists. The Proud Boys. Trump: Who. Wallace: White supremacists and right-wing militia. Trump: Proud Boys, stand back and stand by. But I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what. Somebody’s got to do something about Antifa and the left. Because this is not a right-wing problem —
  22. I support Trump over Biden for political reasons. Nevertheless... Trump did horrible tonight communicating his ideas tonight. He was too amped to make his points and not listen to Wallace's questions and Wallace planned for this in advance with his questions. Take Charlottesville for example. Trump already said he condemned white nationalists, yet Wallace allowed the lie and laid it up as a lie for Biden to hit. Biden ran with it. Trump was so amped up to debate he started from Biden's last point first and tried to work backwards. He couldn't. So Wallace does it to Trump directly, and Wallace knows the whole quote but he realized from other debates Trump usually is on the attack of what the last point was said, not his question, so he asks for a condemnation and he continues attacking Biden. Wallace knows he condemned white nationalists and Trump couldn't grasp what Wallace asked. When Trump asks him what to condemn he, in a confused way just say "well yeah, Proud boys..." in a confused manner. The left like BillSlime will just use this as a smear, or a lie, knowing he already condemned it, but he doesn't care. Win at all costs, even lying. Trump really could have focused on jobs before Covid, the fact the jobs are lost most by left governors, that Biden has said many racist things, but he wasn't explaining himself only trying to attack Biden. Wallace was an absolute douche though. Racial Sensitivity isn't what's being taught, it's white man bad theology by the new saints and Inquisition. Trump really botched a chance to explain how evil it is but instead he appealed to Wallace and the crowd as "you know how bad it is" without explaining how or why. Why not just say it's a leftist smear of racism against whites as all racists just for being white. Biden lied more, but communicated better to the public. Green New Deal? He owns it. I think Trump won the crowd about the police and then challenging Joe to name one police force who supports him. That played to his base and really hurt Joe.
  23. A thread based on Al Gore should be in the fiction section. I mean we only had 12 years to live.
  24. Here's the full video on how ethical the Dems absentee voting is... But libs are worried about transfer of power and democracy right? HAHAHAHA Here's absolute proof they are rigging the election and still waiting for the left to explain how important democracy is.
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