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Everything posted by BillsToast

  1. The last 2-3 years it has. The same NFL that goes for it around the 40 yard line on 4th and 3. Game changed. Doug Peterson was the starter of this and his OC was Reich.
  2. It's not just analytics, it's been a pretty standard procedure the last few years.
  3. It helped every QB across the board, the question is next year and if he continues the progress he's shown. There is still the possibility of regress from acclimation, but I still think there "aint no mountain high enough" for Josh....... Rosen And get a life hahahaha j/k
  4. Maybe not literally all the throws, but it works both ways. I think there are tons of throws Mahomes can't make that Allen hits. The question is moving forward who has the higher upside? It sounds insane but Allen has a higher upside: -Throwing on the run -Bigger arm -Keeps improving -Has more to learn in the mental side than Mahomes -Still started slow in some games I mean he's upside city.
  5. I thought he was LeBeau part II. I think he was way over his head in the coaching department on offense, but he understands motivation and how to be a team probably than any coach in the league. After year 1 I was fascinated because we made the playoffs and we sucked.
  6. Maybe he saw Allen was his father on Wiki and screamed "Nooooo" in a Skywalkeresque fashion. I told Wright to seach his feelings... we'll see how he responds.
  7. I'm not wrong. I said no serious analyst, not Bills fans. Of course we might say something, but we've said the same for decades and have been proven wrong. Serious analysts are supposed to be right 33-50% of the time, fans are usually wrong 90%+ of the time either because we have either too much enthusiasm or complete despair. Read the thread after we lost the playoffs. It was literally wrist slitting territory. Also, a few great throws does not make a QB. Complete good games do. He had probably 2-3 out of 32 in his 1st 2 seasons. You hope to get 3-5 the next season, not the majority of all of his games for the whole season. Allen was a genuine freak of nature for the jump he made. I was hoping for a QB around 10-12th in throwing stats and the 2nd best runner behind Jackson with improvements in year 4 and 5. I am more than pleasantly surprised and he's literally in a league of his own if he continues to work hard.
  8. I have to say that it is mind-blowing to go from the bottom 1/3 of QBs for throwing stats to top 5. No serious analyst could imagine that happening, maybe from bottom 1/3 to top 10-13 maybe, but to go into the top 3?
  9. DING DING DING we have a winner here. The game has changed so much that looking at Farve's lifetime stats by year tell some of the story. He was MVP with a 90's QB rating, then later in his career he was a post 100+ QB rating. Players weren't able to get to 4k yards a season because it was so hard. There is no hearing the footsteps as a WR, there is no penalty for attacking the QB. That gives the QB calmer feet. The whole thing is an offensive league now. Half of QBs in 2020 throw 65% completion rate or higher. 10 QBs have a rating 100+ and 9 QBs threw over 4k yards. 9 QBs had 30+ TDs and 19 over 20 TDs. 1992? 2 QBs over 65%, 1 QB over 100+ QB rating, 5 QBs threw over 20 TDs and none over 25 TDs. Only 1 QB over 4k yards in a season. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/1992/passing.htm
  10. Kelly is by far the better player until Allen wins a SB or goes to 5 SBs without a win. Then he's better. Until then it's a different era so you can't compare stats. Kelly threw in a league where all RB1s had 1,000 yards and QBs rarely threw 30 times a game. Stat comparisons don't match up from 1 generation to another in any sport except for golf. Unless of course you believe Drew Brees was a better QB than Joe Montana. If that's the case I don't know what to tell you.
  11. Has any player had any complications yet?
  12. He shouldn't have gone in the 1st. He was a true project. The fact that it all worked out is miraculous and frankly I couldn't be more pleased. On the other hand if he wasn't drafted in the 1st people wouldn't have much tolerance for all of his bad games in years 1 & 2. Sometimes good things happen to good people at just the right time. I'm happy it's the Bills and it's Allen. A perfect chemistry.
  13. You see it in every sport that changes: NBA: 3's don't win championships NFL: Have to run to setup the pass MMA: Have to be great at jujitsu Tennis: You have to come to the net Rules change, game changes, techniques improve and sports are never the same.
  14. You always have to wait for another season like this one before going both feet in.
  15. Because it used to be true but the game evolved in both rule changes and in application. There are a bunch of these old mantras that no longer exist but were true in their day.
  16. Truth is Darnold was a better prospect from a risk/reward ratio. Allen probably would have failed in 90-99% of all franchises. We just picked the right guy with the right front office and coaching staff. The Allen Project has been tried and failed under many different names. I'm just ecstatic it worked for us. We have the most talented QB in NFL history. He's 98% of Mahomes abilities with 20% more to grow.
  17. Trask from Florida is not a bad 2nd place prize. He's a great player, but if they coach him like they coached Darnold he's toast. I think Trask is a far better passer than Darnold.
  18. That's a pretty fair analysis. Mahomes would not be "Mahomes" on a lot of teams. Hill said he was "trash" year #1. Where you're drafted has a lot to do with your success if you're a developmental QB.
  19. In 2003 brother. We were #1 then... for a short period of time.
  20. "Josh Allen is Nick Wright's daddy" --> legendary
  21. Because a guy like him has to run up the middle for his big plays and if you watch him get tackled you know these guys are trying to hurt him. He has a small frame and just like Vick near 28 or 29 he can run, but not for as many yards and he lost games to injury. What happens when he can only rush for 600 yards a season? Is he valuable? Not the way he passes. He needs to rush for 1,000/yr every year to have a great year. Running backs can't break 1k/season without injury after 4-5 years. He's not built like a RB. He needs an above average D, a great run game, and personally needs to run for 80 yards a game to be effective.
  22. Much of this is true, but the Lamar era ends next year. Which GM wants to pay him $30 mil for a guy on his physical downside and needs that physicality just be good or decent? He won't have games like last night in 4 years from today. This is his window, he's earned it. He should be praised and he should be enjoyed. He's a great player, one of the greatest we've seen, but we have to recognize he's a short window athlete heading towards the end of greatness relatively fast. It's just a shame guys like him and great RBs won't be rewarded in FA anymore. He'll be a millionaire if he can save now, but I doubt he'll get top 10 starter money by the end of next year. If they pick up his 5th year option it's just to get meat from the bones.
  23. Jackson's final year as a starter will be next year. His body will be near the end of it's peak for athleticism with only downside. He's a rookie contract QB only. The Ravens were smart to try to win with him for that short window. People remember a Superbowl victory over 30 years of "trying" and they basically were the Superbowl favorites last year. Good effort but the gimmick is over.
  24. I thought our only mistake wasn't in drafting more QBs in rounds 2 or 3 during those years. Maybe 2-3 of them. I really wanted Derek Carr in round 2 in 2014 and some losers that didn't pan out. The problem is we didn't try. Edwards and Losman was it. I always throught Losman was trash but had hopes for Edwards. The fact we didn't try even in rounds 4 or 5 is also stunning to me.
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