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Everything posted by billsfanmiamioh

  1. He was horrible, getting blown up on almost every play per usual, in addition to the more obvious crap plays
  2. Think we’ve hit the top 3 😂
  3. Please give me what you’re smoking, I need something potent right now
  4. SUCKS
  5. If he had one for a couple mil it would absolutely be in play. We have an umbrella and it’s a smart thing to have if you entertain a lot, have a pool, etc.
  6. Went to a game there with the backers from Packet’s a few years ago. Other than the result it was a good time. We met there before and took busses too and from. Think it was stupid cheap like $30 for the bus ticket and all you can drink to and from 😳
  7. It’s being worked on. I actually bought some stock in a company that has a patent for a weed breathalyzer (It’s way more difficult than alcohol to create for a bunch of reasons). How to test for recent use / impairment is one of the biggest question marks still out there regarding cannabis. There’s a lot of different approaches, I’m guessing within a couple years something will emerge that’s on par with the functionality, practicality, and accuracy of a breathalyzer. (Hope I can spot it beforehand and invest😂)
  8. For sure. That’s why independent lab testing and a COA is required for cannabis products in any regulated marketplace. Most of the “lab shopping” i referenced is in relation to THC potency being inflated so the prices can be inflated. Every state has different requirements and thresholds for pesticides / contaminants / microbials though, so a harvest that was totally rejected in one state may be on shelves in another. More reason to have some kind of federal framework in place (for medicinal cannabis at least).
  9. It’s been shown to have some anti inflammatory activity but I wouldn’t count on it reducing a good amount of swelling. Can’t go wrong with good ole 🧊
  10. Products from the regulated cannabis marketplace are tested for pesticides, heavy metals, microbials, fungi, and a number of other things in accordance with the regulations required by that state. Some cultivators don’t use pesticides at all just like “organic” produce. One caveat though is that “lab shoppping” is prevalent in the cannabis industry (aka processors using third party testing labs that provide favorable analysis)
  11. That’s simply not true and I’d be wary of basing opinions on cannabis off literature that cherry picks “studies”, mixes in anecdotal tales, and makes huge leaps in logic to attempt to establish some kind of causal relationship, only to sell this groundbreaking information in a book on Amazon instead of actually performing a structured systematic review or meta analysis.
  12. With all due respect wtf does that mean? 😂
  13. There are unintended consequences and side effects for everything that we put into our bodies, and cannabis is no different. It absolutely has therapeutic value and it absolutely has real risks. That’s why any clinician that’s worth their salt has evaluated their patient on a personal level to identify potential risks of cannabis use that would be higher for that particular person based on their health history. That study you referenced is a systematic review, which can be a powerful evaluation but for cannabis studies usually isn’t, due to the heterogeneity and limits of the included studies (crap in, crap out). There does appear to be a link between cannabis use and schizophrenia in a subset of the population with certain risk factors, but at this point most scientists would not say it’s not causal. More studies with proper designs and larger sample sizes are needed to explore this more. Cannabis is not an appropriate medicinal treatment for everyone. But it should be treated like any other drug where risks and benefits are discussed then the patient is monitored for changes in behavior and baseline health measures I’d argue that most RX drugs that get prescribed to people aren’t properly evaluated for use in that person because they’ve undergone extensive FDA testing and approval, so they are considered “safe”. This has been limited for cannabis drugs due to the barriers in performing research and it’s been stuck in a weird catch 22 type loop for decades And yes, most likely “highly” influenced by big pharma (pun intended). Adult use (recreational) cannabis use presents different considerations. I could go on for days with this stuff but overall at this point I believe it should be treated like alcohol. And I strongly believe that it’s important for states to have both medical and adult use cannabis programs, as it’s not all the same.
  14. It’s going to be a lot easier to do research now between the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act and possible rescheduling. We’re just scratching the surface of our collective knowledge about cannabis, the endocannbinoid system, benefits, risks, etc. This is mainly due to the insane restrictions and hoop jumping you mentioned. From my program I’ve gotten to know some pretty amazing and smart people who are really spearheading these changes both in the lab and through grassroots activism. If you’re looking to support people like this I recommend joining / donating to Americans for Safe Access, Council For Federal Cannabis Regulation, or NORML. These people are the ones on the front lines in DC leading the fight.
  15. It looked like there was finally some promise and enough bipartisan support with the SAFE banking act last year, but then our wonderful elected officials had to screw it up yet again. Rescheduling is long overdue. Makes zero sense for the feds to deem that it has “no accepted medicinal use”, while multiple FDA approved cannabinoid medicines are on the market. What does your wife do in the industry? I’m getting into it myself. In May, I finished up a masters degree in medical cannabis science and therapeutics from the Univ. of Maryland's school of pharmacy. I was actually out in Portland in April at the Cannabis Science conference.
  16. 😆 Think you mean Mrs. Broflovski’s though
  17. Have seen a lot of these for weddings, bachelorette parties, etc. “Buy the bride to be a drink” with corresponding venmo. Want to 🤮 every time I see one but also kind of want to either venmo them like 2 cents or perhaps even request money from them.
  18. I’ll be there
  19. I prefer $&@*, chuck, or marry?
  20. Bummed out by this, not too often I get to root for someone that went to my alma mater at also plays for the Bills. Get well soon Tommy, we’re rooting for ya
  21. We’ll be extinct before we even come close to that point. Guessing it will be “self inflicted” too.
  22. Worried that it’s a continuation of how they looked against the Bengals
  23. Still remember seeing MacTavish play without one and thinking he was f’n insane
  24. All it took for me was visiting for an accepted students open house with my parents and pulling up towards campus to see a large party going on at a fraternity house around 10am with a compete replica pirate ship built in the front yard and the correspondingly dressed females…The cute blonde I met later and tooled around with for the rest of the day sealed the deal 😂
  25. I’m rooting for him too because he obviously has good taste in his selection for undergraduate education and athletics….
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