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Everything posted by billsfanmiamioh

  1. Same. It’s a miracle how quickly kids can just completely trash a room that was neat and tidy just minutes ago. I think this coming year I’m instituting a policy that with everything new that comes in, something has to go out to get donated. He’s old enough now to understand that and figure it will be a good teaching exercise on helping others and being thankful for the things you have.
  2. I think the “complaining Bills fans” thread / narrative applies here as well...
  3. If the Bills win, be pleasant but in control. As foreign as it’s been to beat the Pats the last 2 decades, “Act like you’ve been there before”. If the Bills lose, do his wife.
  4. Also, take advantage of the DD while you can! Congrats! It’s definitely the best, but it will certainly be hard at times. The first couple months suck unless you just get lucky with one that will sleep overnight for good chunks of time. Ours was pretty good, certainly could have been worse. You learn to function on little sleep but it still sucks. I would advise just making sure you’re both on the same page about all the things that have to be done. Talk about it ahead of time, even if it’s just the day of. “I’ll do the overnight feed tonight, but you do the laundry & clean bottles”. Stuff like that goes a long way. Another hard thing for me was just accepting all the clutter and mess that comes with having a newborn. I like to keep things fairly tidy & organized but you’re both exhausted every day and sometimes there’s just going to be piles of laundry that doesn’t get folded, toys that don’t get cleaned up, etc. Also I advise getting into a pretty regular routine with bedtime, even at a young age. I thought my wife was crazy when she was suggesting it for like a 3 week old but man, I think it really helped as he got older. I’ve heard horror stories from other parents about trying to get their (older) kids to sleep and I’m thankful we implemented a routine and stuck to it early. At the same time, flexibility is key. More so I guess I’m thinking of pre Covid times as you’re trying to kind of re-enter society. Sure it’s great to bring the baby over to friends house for a couple hours or try to grab a bite out or something, but just be prepared for it to blow up in your face at any moment and have contingency plans / exit strategy in place. Best of luck and welcome to the wild ride! See above and congrats!
  5. Glad he’s doing something. He was invisible until this past week.
  6. The interviews & roundtables were always great.
  7. I was screaming for this all game this past Monday. They were taking away the deeper stuff, we needed to work the underneath stuff, burn some clock and keep their offense off the field.
  8. 3) shouldn’t the husband be charged with a weapon related crime for firing at the car as it drove away?
  9. Yep, I think we would have scored and took the lead but KC would have answered right back.
  10. Agreed. Knox blows
  11. He was horrible last night. Like wanted to reach through the tv and punch him horrible. I hate kickers.
  12. I’m guessing because he absolutely blows at that as well as being a QB.
  13. It’s not been good. Hard to argue that, but I don’t know what the answer is. Hopefully the guys making the big bucks do.
  14. Yep. He turned it around in the second half before the awful pick but he was definitely forcing it and not taking the easy yards early on. It just reeks of one of those games you just watch a little film to show the problems but overall just forget it and move on quickly. (Almost) Every team has some stinkers every year, hope this was just one of a couple for us.
  15. I dunno, I mean there’s a lot to be upset about with the D, but I think it’s clear we just don’t have as good of players as we had before. But on the flip side, our offense has been great before tonight. I think I’ll take that trend overall in today’s nfl. We were always the “good D, good running game” team while we were searching for a QB. We won’t win them all but I think I like the construction of this team better than that. We usually should have a chance to overcome when the D isn’t quite up to the task. A lot of “good” teams around the league have been like this.
  16. I dunno, I don’t think we can say anything about moss in what we’ve seen in his limited action. I think motor is good but it’s weird, we just don’t seem to open up any holes for him. I think we really miss feliciano from a run blocking and just an attitude standpoint.
  17. Motor is a very good back. Obv there’s really nothing we can say about moss at this point. But yes, overall the running game as a whole (no pun intended) is leaving a lot to be desired.
  18. That play was a totally blown assignment by the safety and to a leaser extent, the cb. Safety dropped back too far and reacted too late. It wasn’t a bad play call, it was horrible execution. Shades of Edmunds in the playoff game sitting too deep.
  19. I think it just became a numbers game. We paid Schnowman, Tre, Poyer and will have to pay JA. I don’t disagree we miss the production but I just think the resources are better used elsewhere. Espenesa is an early disappointment. Also would be nice to see Jerry do something that isn’t negative.
  20. I don’t think we should have paid them as that’s not how great teams are built. But we definitely miss both of them.
  21. So because the other guy sucked he’s all of a sudden some hidden gem? Sorry I’m just not buying it. He played great tonight after he was constantly put in great situations. He’s not a guy who is going to consistently lead his team to victory when things aren’t going well.
  22. He also has an ungodly freak for a RB and a very good defense. He isn’t the worst by any means but he’s been in the league a long time and I don’t believe he’s capable of leading a team to victory consistently without a lot of other support. We made him look like a bum many times with far lessor teams.
  23. Is he? We clearly sucked ass tonight And he of course had a very good game but he’s never impressed me. It obviously didn’t matter but he was acting awfully chesty before half when the game was far from over.
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