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Everything posted by billsfanmiamioh

  1. ECC is a good option. Lots closer to the field are “livelier”. The ones on the west side of campus building are very low key and laid back and you will be able to find a spot there very late. The East side ECC lots fill up pretty fast, but probably can still nab a spot by 945
  2. I need to try them sometime this year.
  3. I was there, left after the 2nd period 🤦🏻‍♂️😂…(We did have a couple young ones with us though)
  4. I went after the game Sunday. Stayed in the Hampton down the street. Ran in and put our name in around 6pm then went to the hotel & showered and changed. Table was ready about an hour later (only 2 of us). When you put your name in, you get a text and can see your position in line and kind of keep an eye on where you are.
  5. Lines were long but verification took about 3 seconds using clear app.
  6. I’ve had seasons in the lower bowl for about 10 years and yep, there is a ton of standing. Some games we only sit during commercial breaks. Now I would, but nobody else in front of us does so if we want to see we have no choice. Kind of a chain reaction type thing. Hate to say it, but don’t see anything changing until there is a new stadium.
  7. I’ve had 2 in 109 listed for a week and not a nibble. Thinking I’ll have 2 empty seats next to me tomorrow, or at best I’ll be drinking for free tomorrow
  8. Yep of course it is. Anyone that thinks of it as investment probably has a couple time shares in Mexico. It is however a reality of the modern NFL and if you want to play you’ll have to pay. There will be enough people willing to pay. There’s a reason why this stadium will be 60-62k not 70-72k…They know how many people will buy em and how much they are willing to pay.
  9. People around here always try to make the “there’s already a huge traffic problem with Bills games, downtown would be no different” argument. They are sorely mistaken…
  10. This is exactly why I have reduced my number of seats down to 4 in the lower level. And also the reason I haven’t gone with Kelly club. I’m prepared to pony up for a PSL on my current 4, but was worried if I had switched to Kelly club at some point I’d be priced out of a new stadium and have to go back to the bottom seniority wise for regular seats. I think they kind of treat seniority for club seats and the rest as separate entities.
  11. Im in section 109 and I kind of had in my head that $2500 a seat would be in the ballpark. I bet the primo seats might command something like 4-5k each.
  12. I went to fire my Sunday ticket up yesterday and my subscription wasn’t active 🤦🏻‍♂️. I had called a couple weeks back to make sure everything was in place and was able to get a discount for 12 months. Got to spend about 20 minutes on the phone with Directv before the game. Good thing I checked early. Directv customer service is awful.
  13. That game SUCKED. Maybe worst combo of weather I’ve ever experienced at a game.
  14. He had a great game. Was great to see that
  15. I’ve done trips down there and did everything through those local Bills backers chapters. They definitely know how to operate….Had an absolute blast every time. (Even though my record is 0-3…😬)
  16. I’ve been saying this same exact thing for years!
  17. Fish tacos and lots of beer
  18. I dunno but I hope you and the rest of the mask police can get to the bottom of it!
  19. So you’re the a hole that used up all the cheese? 😂 Most of the places around Hamburg were closed so we called Blasdell for a pickup order to take back to the hotel. Couldn’t get a pizza made because they were out of cheese! Got a double order of wings and the 3 slices they still had in the case. It did the trick.
  20. So at the same time, one could also ask if this technology has been around for decades, “why now”? It’s not like vaccine development has been put on hold since for the last few decades. Just as it bugs you that people being up this point, it bugs me that people are looked down on for bringing it up. John’s Hopkins has something on their website that shows the typical timeline for vaccine development. Sounds to me like a lot of the reduction in timeline for this one was consolidation of the clinical trial phases. I get that there is probably a lot of red tape in these things, but reading that the parts designed to ensure safety were “shortened” or done concurrently does not exactly give me any warm fuzzies. I think it would be nuts to not have any reservations at all for something that came out in a year as opposed to 5-10. Remember when the talk of a vaccine came around? Seemed like general consensus was 2-3 years best case scenario. Remember J & J having to pitch a million doses when they found out they were contaminated in the manufacturing process? Ever read the report on that? Covid obviously dictated some extreme measures but I just don’t agree with the “take the shot and shut up” mob mentality. I made the decision to get it and protect myself, I don’t vilify those that didn’t.
  21. Right, and there are mountains of data on those vaccines which actually went through the normal approval process. Why is it so crazy for people to simply have some reservations about something that is essentially a new mode of action and was fast tracked? Especially if they are not in the generally accepted at risk groups?
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