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Everything posted by billsfanmiamioh

  1. Yeah, I was there for Dallas MNF 🤦🏻‍♂️
  2. I hate that they changed that. BS move, sellers get screwed.
  3. Was just going to say something along the same lines 😂
  4. How exactly is that going to happen? Pretty sure the general consensus is that this thing is endemic. And it’s also becoming increasingly clear that vaccinated spread significantly more than originally thought. This vaccine is a life saver for many and that’s fantastic. Pretending like it’s the singular path towards ending this thing which is so far out of the bag is just nonsense.
  5. Watt a douchebag
  6. Small little pizza joint down the street from me has them on the menu for $5.99
  7. I love how the downtown stadium crowd always dismisses the additional cost and logistics of infrastructure upgrades as something that’s just so easy to overcome. It’s THE reason why a new stadium will be in Orchard Park (unless the state kicks in a boatload of dollars which I doubt). Theres definitely a significant bump but it’s not like you can’t get a room. I recently changed my hotel from one in Hamburg to the Residence Inn downtown for this weeks game and there was still availability at other downtown hotels for the weekend. We don’t need more than 65. Check the secondary market ticket prices for the remaining games. And this is for one of the best teams in the league with a “rabid” fan base.
  8. Because it’s part of the game 🤷🏻‍♂️ Don’t think so
  9. Yep, sure have. Fun for a once in a while visit. Wouldn’t be my preference for a weekly gameday experience.
  10. The MNF crew is horrible. Lots of awkward dead air time.
  11. Stayed at the hotel Indigo in printers alley a few years ago for a game. Definitely a great location.
  12. Yep, he deserves one from me. Thought he was just a guy and he’s proving me wrong
  13. Same…last night of vacation. Drive home tomorrow will be iffy though..
  14. How about a permanent tailgate structure you “rent” for the season with grill, basic utensils trash can, port a John,etc. Make different “levels” of that at different price points. Expand the food trucks, stage for a band, etc. There’s lots of creative things that can be done to not only build on what we have in OP but also eliminate some of the crap by pricing out the 20 year olds. And yeah I probably wouldn’t like the rest of your lame responses. Even the “good” downtown stadium experiences like NOLA and Nashville are fun for a game or two a year but would get old over the course of a season.
  15. Buffalo has something maybe 2-4 other teams can claim: a totally unique gameday atmosphere (for better or worse). Build upon it and make it better for the next generation, don’t try and be like the other generic, lame downtown experiences. The best place to make that a reality is OP.
  16. I went to the game a week ago here in Cbus and there were more fans than in that picture…That’s pretty bad
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