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Everything posted by billsfanmiamioh

  1. Just a little “nugget” I’ll drop here. Most of the indica / sativa stuff is BS. It’s more marketing than anything. Most cannabis cultivars have been very hybridized over time and until more recently a lot of the “record keeping” has been sub par. You’ll see more terminology of indica or sativa “dominant” now on labeling. Truth is that pretty much everything is some form of hybrid. There are absolutely different combinations of Cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, etc in different cultivars and that’s what leads to the varying effects. THC:CBD ratio is the most important thing to go by when selecting products, not necessarily indica or sativa. Also, there’s still plenty of debate among scientists about how to even classify cannabis as a species. The indica / sativa system is more of a general guideline for reasons mentioned above. One thing I think will develop in coming years is the continued gathering of genetic information & chemical composition of different cultivars and creating better databases of what combinations work best for various ailments. Unfortunately, at this point it’s mostly anecdotal reports from patients and lots of trial and error in tailoring treatment with cannabis. Hopefully as we learn more, it will be easier to better tailor treatments to more specific ailments by using certain cultivars.
  2. https://www.nature.com/immersive/d41586-022-01761-5/index.html I’m halfway though the Umaryland masters program referenced here. Pretty interesting stuff. Should be an industry with lots of “growth” in coming years…😈
  3. I saw grizzly and black bears at Glacier National Park two weeks ago. Does that count?
  4. I’m already there 😈
  5. Plus the TBD date & time for the fish and pats games probably isn’t helping with “early” sales.
  6. We bought a condo in a resort town in northwest Montana. At this point it’s a rental / business with personal use mixed in a few times during the year (just got back from a week there actually). As we get older, I expect the proportion to flip towards more personal use. I could absolutely live / retire there, it’s beautiful country and outdoor recreation opportunities are endless. Most of our family and many friends are here in Cbus so I imagine we will always have some kind of residence here, even if we downsize after the kid goes off to college (he’s just starting kindergarten, so we have some time!) At some point would probably look to have something on the beach in South Carolina or Florida and just bounce around, but that’s obviously much further down the road (God willing). I’ve seen the best laid plans get a wrench thrown into them so we try to strike the balance between appreciating every day you have and not saying “we’ll do that sometime later on”, while still living within reality.
  7. Bringing the 5 year old up for his second! Hopefully not as hot as last year, it was brutal. No matter what, the little dude is a pumped!
  8. Beautiful dog. 🤞🏻 For continued improvement 🙏🏻
  9. Might have to turn it off with a few seconds left…😬
  10. Who knew Rex Ryan was still hanging around here!?
  11. I’d say the Wyndham and Choice groups are actually lower on the totem pole than Holiday Inn / IHG is…😬
  12. Sorry should have specified I meant the quality / attention to detail aspect, not necessarily the marketing push, selling sauces, etc.
  13. I actually feel this way a bit more about Gabriel’s Gate than Bar Bill. On 2 of my last 3 trips to the gate, the wings have not been very crispy. And it wasn’t busy at all the second time it happened. Still very good, but not knock your socks off good like my first few trips there . Don’t have a single thing to complain about food wise on my trips to Bar Bill, although I’ve only been a handful of times.
  14. I know someone who has met Lewan and said he was one of the worst humans he’s ever been around (and he’s used to being around football players)
  15. I disagree with this. The system that keeps wealthy people wealthy isn’t going to suddenly “disappear” and lead to a massive redistribution of that wealth because of crypto. The powers that be will not let that happen. It’s more like gambling than anything at this point. A small percentage of people may get lucky and win big, but the masses will lose. I know there are some interesting and promising applications for some of the components of crypto, and I think those “good ideas” will translate elsewhere. I have some crypto but it’s probably like .1% of my net worth (or less). If the entire financial system & stock market is goes upside down in favor of crypto, we’ll have much bigger problems to deal with. Guns, ammo, food and access to water would be a lot more valuable at that point than some token.
  16. I’m in the same boat. Brought my then 4 year old up for last year and it was brutally hot. Our seats are on the sunny side too. Took lots of “breaks” in the concourse to at least get some shade and we were back in the vehicle with AC blasting mid 3rd quarter. He was a trooper though and loved it! Even got over to Bar Bill to destroy some wings post game after we got cleaned up. Hoping they’ll announce it soon so I can get a hotel booked although probably should just book both Saturday's and cancel.
  17. Id add Terence McGee to a couple already brought up since he could return kicks as well.
  18. Yes. At Pinehurst which was awesome, but it was on The Cradle not #2 or #4. At least it was on the 1st hole with a bunch of people around watching and I drained it on the fly.
  19. Who said anything about abortion? You’re either an idiot, completely demented, or some combination in between. Don’t really care to find out.
  20. Oh yeah? Who are the game breakers?
  21. It doesn’t. I’m answering your question.
  22. Linking together unrelated events to seemingly give more clout to your personally held political position.
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