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Everything posted by billsfanmiamioh

  1. They’re all open. We park at ECC and I’ve parked at twin oaks and La galleria in the past. Parked at ECC yesterday and the “main” / lively lot that is to the left when you pull in is closed for construction vehicles. The “overflow” lot that sits up higher is the only lot on that side that will be open this year. I imagine it will fill very fast each week. The road you used to walk down to get to the stadium is closed so you have to make your way over towards Southwestern and walk the sidewalk till you hit the entrance for lot 4. There is a way you can cut along the construction fence towards twin oaks and shave a few steps but yesterday it was impassable on the way in because the rain had created a mini river. After the game I saw people crossing that spot with apparently not much trouble. I think in the season what will happen is that we’ll end up on the other side of ECC that is typical more tame and will have to walk out to the sidewalk on southwestern and take that route. Otherwise you’re going to be “off roading” through mud, uneven ground, etc.
  2. I suck but have some friends that are pretty to very good. I wish I played more but always too busy. Do like it a lot when I get to, and probably would like to get more serious about it as I get older. We plan on joining a country club that is less than a mile from our house within a couple years and I will probably play a lot more at that point. I’ll never be great but with more regular play I know I could shave 10 stokes easily (I’m a mid 90s on a good day type player). I’ve gotten pretty good off the tee which makes it all so much more fun even if I don’t score. I feel like I’m at least playing what golf is supposed to be when I’m putting for par regularly. I’ve played a few great courses but my career highlight is an ace on #1 at “The Cradle” (Pinehurst) in front of a large audience. Didn’t just ace it either, completely drained it from 102. This after an intensive round of substance abuse the day & night before as well as morning of. We played #2 in the morning (partying the whole way while it kicked my ass) then took a couple hour beer / lunch break, and then played the cradle. For whatever reason it was the perfect combo because after the ace and celebration i stepped up to the second hole and stuck one a few inches away. It looked like it had a chance the whole way. -3 after 2 holes was uncharted territory. Ended up finishing even which was a miracle considering my state. Even though it’s just a par 3 course, I’ll always be pretty proud of the entire sequence 😂
  3. Bought some rubbers off him back in the day
  4. Drove though there on our way to Zion when wife was pregnant. Great trip! Cool area of the country for sure.
  5. He picked me up with his teeth at a summer camp one year (I was wearing a harness). Super nice guy.
  6. I used to really “baby” my ribs and did a lot of the things mentioned in that recipe. Then I sometimes started taking shortcuts to make things easier. I found that there was really no discernible difference in the ones I put a lot of effort into or the ones I kind of went low effort on, So all I do is low effort now. I make my own rub that I apply liberally then get the smoker going. Usually use hickory. Throw them in and make sure the smoke and temp is just right and that’s about it. Check them once or twice and make sure temp and smoke is ok. Maybe if I’m really ambitious I’ll mop them once or twice with a concoction I make of chiavettas, cider vinegar, beer and some of my rub but that’s really it. Hell I don’t even peel the membrane off anymore before rubbing them. Bout 4-5 hrs max and they’re good to go. As long as you’re using quality ribs to start, have a good rub, and can maintain constant temp without over smoking, they’re kind of hard to screw up too bad. Not quite as forgiving as pork shoulder, but nowhere near the “caution” needed for a brisket.
  7. Maybe the heart of this issue really is something that Josh F’d up. And McD throwing him out there to the wolves was his way of saying “fix your mess big boy”. Who knows, the whole thing is weird at this point. If this type of stuff continues all season, you have to think we’ll see some big changes at the end of the year.
  8. What rock are you living under? 🤣
  9. All of it
  10. Close friends are having to put down their corgi today due to kidney failure. Poor buddy was only 6 😥
  11. I bet there’s some cross country season ticket holders that don’t miss many home games. I usually miss 1-3 home games depending on other commitments. Makes my 4.5-5 hr trek seem pretty easy.
  12. Generally very easy if you’re heading back towards the thruway. There is a traffic light / traffic cops directing things so you can usually make the left without too much trouble. We always stay over at the hotels in Hamburg and we’ll hang for an hour or so after the game just because then when we do leave, we’re at the hotel in 10-15 min no problem
  13. Yes they are. We park at ECC and normally are there in line 15-20 min before the lots open, so we end up on the side closest to the stadium. Sometimes if we’re arriving late for whatever reason, the lots on that side are full and we have to park in the lots on the “far” side. It’s not bad, just some extra walking. Atmosphere is more laid back & subdued, more families, more room to spread out your tailgate, etc. If you want a “quieter” or more family friendly tailgate experience it’s great.
  14. A week or so later than usual but time for the leafs to dig out the clubs!
  15. Keep it invested and avoid the penalties & income tax 🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. Leafs, 😂. Love it
  17. Was at the game last night here in Cbus. Sabres played well and have a good effort even though the game didn’t mean anything. Too bad they had those two long stretches this year of bad hockey, or else they’d have made it. Fun year though and they really should be in good position next year to make some noise. Levi’s play has been very encouraging.
  18. There’s not a lot of good evidence right now for topical / transdermal delivery of Cannabinoids. Cannabinoids present some unique challenges from a drug delivery standpoint in general, and those types of products are at the top of the list. There’s a lot less bioactivity when compared to smoking / vaping, ingestion, sublingual, etc. That’s not to say good topicals are impossible or non-existent, there just haven’t been a lot of proper studies backing it up past anecdotal evidence. There is a LOT of individual variability in peoples response to Cannabinoids and as a whole, we really don’t know squat about them. The barriers to research are significant and as that has started to change, we will see a rapid increase in our understanding. Perhaps in 10 or 20 years we will know more about WHY the same couple hits of weed can put someone close to an ER visit while others can go about their day like nothing is different.
  19. Im not a clinician but I’m a month shy of a masters degree in medical cannabis science and therapeutics. I can at least give some direction on things to look for as while there are some promising developments, the CBD / hemp derived product industry is quite a bit more of a “Wild West” than regulated medicinal or adult use markets. PM me with any specific questions If you’re just talking getting high, sure the “regular stuff” is going to do the job. But CBD has some promising applications and we’re just scratching the surface of our knowledge on Delta 8. When isolated correctly from “real” labs and equipment, there’s therapeutic potential for both. While less potent, Delta 8 is in fact psychoactive. It binds differently to cannabinoid receptors in general, so the effects are typically more subdued. Take enough, and you’ll still get there. It’s also naturally occurring in the plant, just not in commercially available amounts that’s why the stuff you see for sale “made” from CBD in the lab. It’s a complicated legal issue at this point that stems from the social equity and diversity initiatives that NY included in their licensing awards. Definitely an unintended consequence of how they set up the system. Like you said, illegal places keep popping up everywhere while other “legitimate” businesses still sit on the sidelines. There’s been an injunction in place preventing issuing of new licenses in those areas while they try and sort it out. It’s kind of a mess.
  20. https://skiwhitefish.com/assets/TreeWellSafety.pdf
  21. It’s def a f’d up movie but to me it’s more of a depressing / wtf type feeling than “scary”.
  22. That’s exactly what it is and why they are so dangerous. It “looks” like the snow is hard packed around there but it’s not so it’s easy to fall in and get stuck
  23. Tree wells are some dangerous stuff. If you get inverted like that it’s something like 90+% will be unable to free themselves. At my age, I stick to inbounds stuff but looks like the boarder broke the cardinal rule of skiing with a partner in the trees. (The “rescuer” also lost sight of his partner 😬)
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