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  1. I didn’t really like the extension at the time but very happy to be wrong. He’s been great and the contract looks like a bargain. Hoping he can stay healthy and maintain his current level of play.
  2. Im skiing in Montana with the wife and another couple (also Bills fans) so we’ll come right off the slopes and into the ski bar to watch. We lost the divisional round last 2 years while I was there in person, so decided to switch the juju and went to last weeks game instead.
  3. I hate not watching but I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was rambling off Sabres rosters when I was in diapers but it’s just not worth investing ANY amount of time or money on the organization at this point.
  4. I quit watching a few weeks ago. I’m glad I did 🤦🏻‍♂️
  5. Weatherbug is best radar. Feel like AccuWeather is the best for couple days out getting the “big picture”. And I think weather.com is best “in the moment”, however, their app is absolute trash.
  6. I think the 1pm Sunday is the least likely. I’m going with Saturday night.
  7. Nah. The significance of “halftime adjustments” is one of the most overhyped aspects of football. Halftime is a glorified timeout
  8. Few Christmas ales, good wine and bourbon
  9. I’m glad I’m not the only one who said that
  10. Try a dry herb vaporizer. Let some age for a while so some of the THC converts to CBN. Or grab some capsules or something that are high in CBN.
  11. Serious question, have you tried cannabis?
  12. I didn’t wear full gear. I thought about this thread and still didn’t change into a Bills t shirt. Pretty easy one this week guys, it’s on me…😔
  13. As others have said, establishing the all in price then paying cash is the only way to come out “ahead”
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