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Everything posted by BillsSB2020KO

  1. One: [Edit: Science denying garbage expunged. Fair warning was given up thread. As the Hitchhikers Guide says: "So long, and thanks for all the Fish!"]
  2. Big time. Especially bc of the false blm narrative injected into it all. Such a joke
  3. I don’t play tackle football with toddlers, this would be just as uneven. I honestly wish you the best dude
  4. Compelling argument. Haha I love people like you I really do. Everyone’s mind is twitter-fied. Incapable of creating and articulating a position. Just snipes and insults.
  5. Hey bub, you’re truly outside your range here. So I will no longer waste time and energy on you. I am not engaged in the fake right left paradigm. I hope you come within hailing distance of objectivity one day. I truly truly do
  6. I’ll save you the embarrassment of having unwittingly proven my point—literally proven my point—and just let you see yourself out. Yikes.
  7. Good. Sports should be cancelled then. Because the average person is incapable of defending themselves against high level psychological operations such as the blatant race baiting propaganda that is propelled by media operatives and influencers. And these people are puppets used to influence you. Follow a backless narrative if you want, but just realize you’re being mind f***ed by people who know your psychology inside and out and mean to destroy this country from within. It’s actually astonishing how such basic divide and conquer tactics work on the majority of the population. If no no one in sports has the courage to challenge a narrative that is utterly untrue then screw sports.
  8. Haha wow what a ridiculous comment. Truly Learn the difference between anecdotal evidence and actual compelling empirical evidence.
  9. Lol wow if you all can’t see the blatant agenda at hand I’m sorry. Unreal. Total misdirection to keep us divided and distracted while other things are accomplished. Digital currency only for one. Again, there is no definitive proof whatsoever that any non Caucasian group is disproportionately targeted by police or systematically whatever. Read as many studies as possible and compare. You are being lied to over and over and over. I knew it was only a matter of time before this blatant kgb-esque subversion agenda totally destroyed sports. Watch Tomas Schuman’s 1983 lecture on exactly how a society is subverted and destroyed from within. You will be astonished at how spot on it is to right now. This is is a tragic period for many reasons, but since we are all obviously Bills fans, sad for the Bills and sports in general.
  10. By no means have you proven anything, do hold your horses bud with the ego. But I’m just glad you’re willing to read studies! This is a process we should all be involved in ???
  11. As opposed to newspapers and the television?
  12. I don’t think 5 minutes is too much to show how much of an intellectual coward you are. At least I spend the time, you react based on headlines like the majority of the population. I put in the work, did you eball? And to write off my entire position as bias and ignorance is a perfect response by someone who has nothing to say
  13. People like you are SO programmed it’s astonishing. Yet you’ve never read an actual study on police interaction w civilians. You’ve only seen ridiculously biased news stories from companies that exist solely to divide us. Look at EVERY headline. This formula is 100% accurate. Black perpetrator: race will not be mentioned. White: lead w race. I’ve read actual studies, I don’t rely on media and honestly ignorant athletes like the ones in the NFL and other major sports leagues. They’re as conditioned as you. Start w Roland Fryer’s study from a few years ago. He’s the youngest ever tenured professor at Harvard, and a black man. He was surprised when he actually LOOKED at the data. Not tweets from idiots and professional agitators and manipulators. Studies definitively prove there is absolutely no disproportionate targeting of non whites by police. You are wrong. That is not opinion that is fact based on empirical data not anecdotal evidence and misplaced and manipulated emotion. Remember the news stories about all those white people brutalized by police and mistreated and wrongly arrested? Yeah me neither. Doesn’t mean they didn’t happen, because they absolutely did. Your mind is owned by those who want us divided. You are a perfect success for them. Ignorant and emotional. Repetition is the most powerful and simple form of mind control. This narrative is repeated over and over and over yet has NO ACTUAL SUBSTANCE backing it. It is amazing to see a narrative go so unchallenged and that’s bc of people being afraid to be called racist. Well I don’t care I simply followed objective fact and there is no backing to this narrative. Read studies, drop the emotion, learn what anecdotal evidence is and why it’s so weak. Stop watching the operatives on news media. I’m just sick and tired of hearing this narrative presented as if it’s fact. And I know many of you reading this will agree even if you don’t say so. Stop being afraid to speak truth. Stop letting over emotional posters like the quoted disparage your position w a weak, backless argument. And there’s nothing wrong w this being left in the football section. It’s wrapped up in sports now whether you want it to be or not. But stop listening to athletes, they don’t know any more than you do and they mostly go along w the rest of their team or else they’ll be black balled. They simply have a more exposed platform. It’s your choice to let your beliefs be formed by emotion or by reality. And if you choose reality, do the work and read the hard data and the great studies done on these actual subjects. And no a vox article or chart isn’t what I’m referring to.
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