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Everything posted by 716er

  1. They'll have to walk home to get their ID - and probably the money for the milk.
  2. DeSantis to pardon Cuomo for nursing home deaths
  3. I've read enough of your posts to know every discussion with you is one person discussing, and you asking question after question. Not gonna play your game, Jimbo.
  4. Better chance of Bona winning the national championship in 2022 than Republicans crushing the mid-terms.
  5. I could understand one thinking it should not be at the top of the list, but for what reason do you feel white supremacy is not a threat at all?
  6. Very sad some Americans promote what has been disproven with fact. The QOP will be laughed off the ballots. RIP to the Republican Party.
  7. Indeed - to say not even close to a basic fact like you mention is a good indication one is part of the cult. To blame inflation on a single entity without the context of a pandemic is Dolphins fan logic. You'd have to be dumb as ***** to be a Dolphins fan.
  8. Nah - go ask them about something they inspired Give them your money
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