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Everything posted by 716er

  1. I'm waiting for you to name 5 leading health experts who claim what you said. That doesn't exist in your article.
  2. Name 5 of these "many leading health experts" How could the woke have killed comedy while at the same time your unwoke bull#### makes one laugh and laugh?
  3. Being banned from a private platform for breaking rules you were warned about is not censorship We can agree to disagree.
  4. Amazon forced Parler to remake their site? What? I knew Apple and Amazon decided not to allow Parler to be downloaded in their stores. He's banned for breaking rules he was warned about by each entity multiple times. Tough *****, IMO. Perhaps he shouldn't have used those platforms to incite an insurrection. He's the former leader (still is loll) of the party of personal responsibility, right?
  5. Legit not going to explain your position? Good day. (Parler is not canceled - the Republican dweebs who said they would go there still haven't)
  6. "a monopoly" "its" "its" "false pretenses" "it" "itself" Can you expand on what the ***** you're talking about or are we in pronoun hell for life?
  7. People seriously expected gas to be $2 forever?
  8. Parler is available for any dweeb to download. Trump's "social media platform" (blog, but whatever) is available for any dweeb to read.
  9. There are more viruses on earth than humans on Earth. We’re still doing okay.
  10. Coronaviruses will be around until the multiple species that host them are eliminated from the Earth. https://www.niaid.nih.gov/diseases-conditions/coronaviruses Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. However, three new coronaviruses have emerged from animal reservoirs over the past two decades to cause serious and widespread illness and death. There are hundreds of coronaviruses, most of which circulate among such animals as pigs, camels, bats and cats. Sometimes those viruses jump to humans—called a spillover event—and can cause disease. If you had a point you would do more than post a snippet of an article and a meme. You would use facts within that article to articulate a position with words.
  11. You are a moron if you judge things by tweets and retweets.
  12. So many righties trying to cancel critical race theory - just terrible
  13. There were hundreds of coronaviruses before Covid-19 and will be hundreds after. Your disregard of science is astounding. I weep for your children.
  14. Straight white men can't go outside, though
  15. Republicans have all been saying they are going to delete their Twitter and move to Parler since Trump got banned, but they love to see themselves talk so much they can't quit Twitter.
  16. Looks like everyone posting on the first few pages walked away after Biden won 🤣
  17. Did you get the "Live at Four Seasons Total Landscaping" box-set yet?
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