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Everything posted by 716er

  1. Once she uses the word deplorable she will be a dredge to society - until then anything goes.
  2. Imagine being the top poster in this thread - and agreeing with it's premise... and then posting this... The hypocrisy is incredible
  3. Good thing Greene didn't retweet a post where McCarthy was called a deplorable OH THE HUMANITY
  4. Could be. Or the leader on offense and defense (Josh & Tremaine) got together and decided on the same answer. Not sure how their vax statuses will stay "private" though as the league will continue to relax protocols for vaxxed players and IMO it could eventually become obvious who is and is not vaxxed.
  5. Not sure about that.. the coach gave a totally different answer.
  6. No doubt about it. But not sure we can talk about that here - don't want to get too into the weeds in this thread
  7. Not only that, but he or she is the victim because a geriatric ex-first lady called some Trumpers a basket of deplorables, and apparently that's akin to phrases commonly heard in 3rd world countries just before the ethnic/religious cleansing begins.
  8. This was my first thought until I let it settle in a little more. The team has players publicly questioning getting vaccinated. Perhaps Josh doesn't want to throw those players under the bus and wants to keep those convos in house. I wouldn't read into Josh's answer at all as to clueing us in on whether or not Josh is specifically vaxxed.
  9. Couldn't find anything on other QBs even being asked this by their local media.
  10. Are other QBs/team leaders around the NFL are handling this in the same way or are they more open about their status? 100%
  11. It's an assortment of takes from politicians, pollsters, and pundits in the Politicians, Polls, and Pundits forum. Take the forum title up with a mod, or feel free to add the opinions of any other politicians, pollsters, or pundits you feel are relevant.
  12. Not sure about that, but she's certainly in the basket of deplorables Hillary famously referenced.
  13. Proof on the bolded claims? Time to get off Twitter and Facebook and live life outside social media.
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