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Everything posted by 716er

  1. The point is ***** your feelings Your feelings about being peer pressured are irrelevant to the future health and safety of the country.
  2. Republican governors paying out like King Cuomo
  3. Funny coming from the guy who started the thread complaining he didn't get a chance for a handout wHiLe ThE vAcCiNaTeD gEt StIfFeD
  4. You got a free vaccine. What more do you want? Republicans love playing the victim - example # 276724602
  5. Time for Garland to open up a special counsel for 1/6. No other choice with half of the Senate continuing to aid the insurrection.
  6. What is the greater assault on the capitol since the Civil War that you infer, @B-Man ?
  7. Yes, I am prepping over 1000 #LockHerUp memes and sharing them with @galacticredpill
  8. I could give two shyts about getting back to you, Jim. No doubt you'll be in this thread, though, hee-hawing if and when charges are ever filed.
  9. I would argue a grand jury convening to hear evidence and speak with witnesses about a former president goes beyond mere accusations. Certainly, for example, there is a difference between the rumors in the dossier and a criminal investigation.
  10. Any Republicans who don't support the commission are guilty of continued insurrection. Especially when they lie about what happened on video
  11. Wretched to accuse the mother of her deceased son of playing politics.
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