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Everything posted by 716er

  1. I would bet Josh is vaxxed. He’s got a lot more to lose by not doing so - endorsements, etc. Well see
  2. Respecting the leaders of the team who said it would be kept in the locker room. This ain't hard. Cole went rogue
  3. And Cam Newton throws it 6 feet over Cole's head into the arms of Jordan Poyer, who might have the same opinion as Cole, but is mature enough to respect the team leaders who want it kept in the locker room.
  4. Plus he's throwing the leadership (JOSH ALLEN!) and team under the bus by continuing to talk about it outside of the locker room
  5. You’re politicizing it non stop, Jim. It’s a theory that guides teaching principals. It’s not taught in a classroom. Agree in a CRT context. Disagree in a CT context.
  6. Why does the math teacher’s theoretical framework matter if the lessons are good for the pupil and devoid of politics or race?
  7. Not sure what this has to do with the lessons on page 66. Many theoretical backgrounds, including at least CRT, critical theory, and American pragmatism, would lead to the same lessons being taught to the pupil.
  8. Great question. I recall when Josh made his “keep it in the locker room” comments there was speculation it was to protect teammates against the vaccine from being slammed (or even questioned) by the media. If you subscribe to this theory, Josh, and Tremaine for that matter, both stuck their necks out to have the backs of their teammates. Just an awful look from a process POV.
  9. I’m sure you’re convinced. You have moved the subject pretty far away from the pedagogy. Again - in practice from your example on page 66 - the theory that guided the teaching principals is not practiced on the pupils.
  10. That’s the same rep who refused to shake the injured cops hand, right?
  11. Cole still yapping this morning. The crux is this - don’t even need to bring up Covid. The team leader says we keep issue X in the locker room. WR takes issue X out of the locker room and whines about it on Twitter. Hopefully Hodgins can ball.
  12. Nazi Germany? Frankfort School was developed in the Weimar Republic and they relocated to Geneva in the early 30s because of the threat of Nazism. Also inspired more by Kant and Freud than Marx.
  13. Star sacks Big Ben the first defensive play of the season. How much could that win with a $10 bet?
  14. It's 2021 - Critical theory is barely Marxist. It's post-modern.
  15. Could have stopped there - that's the problem.
  16. What is specifically wrong with the pedagogy you're referring to on page 66? Pretty good way to teach. They wouldn't even mention white supremacy in the classroom - in practice it's simply critical theory.
  17. What does the Tweet at 3:33 PM have to do with the policies enacted by ownership and the union leadership?
  18. What is the antithesis of the team leader's thoughts if not anti-process?
  19. The unquestionable leader of the franchise said we keep this topic in the locker room. And Cole spouts off on Twitter. That's the issue IMO.
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