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Everything posted by 716er

  1. Take your mask off, get out of the basement, off of PPP, and live your life.
  2. Today I went to Wegman's, the pet store, Fleet Feet, and the park and didn't even bring a mask. FoReVeR
  3. Vaxxed and don’t give a ***** about you Glad you and bman can still jerk it together in this thread
  4. Your critical thinking skills are lacking Wild Trump's lawyer said it's no big deal.
  5. What a shame - #BillsChan didn't get the appeal it wanted Good riddance, Derek
  6. Hodgins oozes process according to our local reporters. He'd have the best shot IMO
  7. Future mayor of Buffalo. You go, girl
  8. Alpha Pro Bills You are tough as ***** calling people pussies on the internet. Your muscles must be huge.
  9. Math, sciences, English, social studies- whatever their state (if public) dictates.
  10. Again - CRT, CT, gender theory, pragmatism, behaviorism, etc are all pedagogical theories related to teaching. Prospective teachers learn these theories in university and apply lessons learned from each in order to teach their pupils as they see fit. Pupils are not being taught CRT. They're not being taught constructivism. ETC Another example of obfuscation - one side screaming this, that, and the other thing are CRT - when they clearly are not.
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