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Everything posted by 716er

  1. Boomer with a MAGA hat it is.
  2. “Libtards.” Are you 6 years old or just a boomer with a MAGA hat?
  3. PPP insurrectionist crowd losing their minds. What a shame. It’s sad these MAGA clowns dominate this forum.
  4. Not sure if that vid is more awesome than the name of that restaurant
  5. Time to post it on PPP
  6. If that’s in insult you must have been pissing your pants at the insurrection rally.
  7. Yes, you are very simple.
  8. The foundation under Fauci is starting to crack Brought to you by former QANON meatheads
  9. RIP
  10. They’re still defending Trump lol Looks like this Bobb lawyer is toast too. What a shame.
  11. No back up kick returner but a 3rd strong kick returner Genius
  12. I saw “I don’t know man” as solidarity with the Rams fan. To each their own. 🍻
  13. Well you’re not a Bills fan so this doesn’t surprise me one bit.
  14. Indeed. Took it as a great sign. Heading to San Fran for a wedding in November. I will keep this in mind!
  15. Carmel until Sunday then camping in Sequoia Kings until Wednesday when we’re driving down for the game
  16. In a brewery in Monterey Bay - Alvarado Street Brewery. Dude with a Rams hat eating wings with fork and knife.
  17. Singletary has shown in actual regular season games he is the better goal line back that Moss is. I really don’t want to see them trotting out Moss this year in those situations. With that said, though, I don’t think Moss is a bad player. It’s just that Devin is simply better in all facets of the game. Hopefully Moss improves this year (and Cook plays well). It would be nice to not have to worry about a Singletary contract in the off season and roll with Moss and Cook next year. While we have Devin, though, ride that horse to the promise land and let him get paid by someone else this off-season.
  18. A guy with the hype he had would have been drafted higher if there were no red flags. Teams knew.
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