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Everything posted by 716er

  1. Works well if one chooses to risk death to Covid.
  2. Trials are ongoing. I know Oishei in Buffalo is a site as a friend’s infant is a participant. Got her first Moderna shot 3 weeks ago.
  3. 3? I’m thinking by September. Delta is about to destroy the SE.
  4. Anywhere from 0 to 98.9% Great deduction, B-Man. You should be an accountant.
  5. Do you feel there will be a tipping point when people realize being unvaccinated is dumb as *****? I think there will be - and unfortunately it’ll happen after way too many die.
  6. Vaccine works - if you wait a few weeks (months perhaps) you’ll have that info Jimbo
  7. Thousands of dead anti-vaxxers, millions of Covid long haulers, and mass migration due to climate change. Politics eventually takes a back seat when the above is beyond obvious.
  8. Everyone knows you're racist
  9. sry I was going by patriots4trump2020.com's definition of a website https://patriots4trump2020.com/2021/07/the-plan-to-reinstate-donald-trump/ The plan hinges upon Republicans regaining control of the House, which they plan to do by pulling back the curtain on “the horror show” of the Democrat Party, causing groups such as the Black Caucus to “flip” sides. The card links to a website that elaborates on the strategy to reinstate Trump and claims to have proof connecting the Democrat party to satanic sacrifices. Funny that the PDF references every right-wing-kook conspiracy posted here.
  10. Matt Gaetz was recently fundraising off the same theme presented in the 7 point plan.
  11. Indeed - as the title indicates, it’s the position of Trump cultists at CPAC. By the logic in your reply here, all Conservatives are Trump cultists. Agree to disagree.
  12. A stunning example of maturity right here. Free Cuba!
  13. When will they come for Critical Gender Theory?
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