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Everything posted by 716er

  1. FWIW Beane said in his last presser any vaxxed close contacts to the trainer who had covid were also tested. It’s not a free for all in there once vaxxed as much as Cole wants us to believe that.
  2. Could be in the post vax window where he still needs to mask up. Ditto Gabe Davis. The only player who it’s obvious doesn’t have the vax is the one who promised to stay off Twitter once camp started.
  3. Availability - few things more important to coach and GM Next time Beasley and/or McK step out of line Covid protocol wise they get slapped with a 4 game suspension. What happens the 3rd time?
  4. Hope Ron reads this. Quite the schlong polishing
  5. What’s the point of the sky judge if we still have to challenge an obviously bad call?
  6. So many false flags today - did you see this one? what a mess
  7. The terrorist surrendered Great job by law enforcement
  8. Are you obtuse to the video evidence of the suspect currently out there or just trying to score brownie points with BMAN?
  9. You spend most of your time in PPP You already lost
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