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Everything posted by 716er

  1. The power went out in Texas The power stayed on in California
  2. Pretty much the same thoughts but also a bit worried about the oline. They also have the skill, though, to shut down the Rams dline. Taron Johnson is going to be the key to this game on defense. On 3rd and mediums when Stafford is looking to Cupp for that 5 or 6 yard out route or slant Johnson needs to be ready. The winner of that battle wins the game IMO.
  3. Indeed this is the flip side. Although I have thought of 3 points for this to potentially happen 1. In a zone nickel scheme in which the Bills play the nickel CB is learning the same concepts as the he safeties and often times playing those as well based on the offensive formation 2. The best slot corners in the league tend to fade much quicker than the best outside CBs 3. Micah Hyde made the transition and would be valuable in helping Taron do so as well He also hits like a ton of bricks. Not saying it should happen, but OBD should consider it.
  4. I have a hunch Poyer’s successor is on the roster, but not a backup safety. Taron Johnson.
  5. It was pretty 3rd world in Hermosa Beach yesterday evening.
  6. Still waiting on the imminent blackouts
  7. If you’re going to be near the stadium early I would check to see if they’re allowing any walk-ins. The dude at the table in Hermosa where I got my wristband said there is a chance they’ll let some folks in after a bit of time if there are some no shows. My wife’s cousin is in the same boat as you.
  8. I think he is talking about Hillary’s stop the steal rallies and her fake elector schemes.
  9. Above is another example of the brainwashing discussed in the first post. This guy is unhinged.
  10. “A beta male. A sheep who can’t handle truth.” You sound like an absolute moron. You have been brainwashed.
  11. If “they” forced the vaccines on “everyone” then “everyone” would have been vaccinated. Millions and millions of Americans are unvaccinated. Facts are facts.
  12. Weird how fixated you are on defending a potential rapist without knowing all the facts. Twitter DA Doc still blasting away at the 300 page Araiza thread with your mind already made up. Sad. Go outside or something.
  13. The lie is “they” forced vaccines on “everyone”
  14. Indeed. Though there are plenty of companies and states that allowed those who were unvaxxed to continue working. Pick and choose all you want. Throwing blanket statements over complex issues with nuance and variance is how the propaganda grows and festers.
  15. Thumbs down all you want but this is factually incorrect.
  16. Different states and different companies had different policies. ”They” did not force vaccines on “everyone.”
  17. It has not.
  18. “They” didn’t force vaccines on everyone.
  19. Is this longer than the Breece Hall-of-famer thread yet?
  20. It doesn’t matter what he says. The cult will cheer as long as the message is #screwthelibs.
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