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Everything posted by 716er

  1. Wish Addison was out. Dirty hit that he should be suspended for and a whiff on the easiest sack he could ever have
  2. It’s him. He is scum. Is Babbit another hero of yours?
  3. Cool. I live on the border of Canada and have family in Fort Erie. I'm not from Canada or Ontario. The video is all over the internet. Google it.
  4. He doesn't live in Wisconsin. There's also videos of your hero beating a woman. He's as much of a shitstain as the 3 felons he killed.
  5. That could be a real question with proper grammar.
  6. He was in the street with a loaded AR before and after the chase.
  7. Nikki will have to flip-flop back to being anti-Trump to win the nom
  8. A vast majority of Americans are vaccinated so duh and your NFL data is wrong
  9. Something tells me that if the Bills do lose at least one national talking head will mention these guys are out.
  10. This guy should moderate. What a kind and caring person he must be to his family (hopefully none are leftist scum)!
  11. Josh had 3.5 seconds in the pocket there with a rookie coming in for a play. Not bad. That’s on Josh.
  12. Didnt like the 2nd down run but Diggs should catch that ball
  13. Let this guy moderate. What a post. He brings a ton to the table.
  14. Another hot take vaccine thread This forum is hot garbage
  15. Will Paul Gosar get a visit from the secret service, too?
  16. Bills would have won if Beasley was vaxxed
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