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Everything posted by 716er

  1. Weird how the folks who B word most about mask wearing are those who extol their virtuous ideology of FREEDOM/non-compliance, while a vast majority of the country does not have mask mandates. Where is the logic?
  2. During Joe's campaign he promised to elect a black woman to the Supreme Court. Has he mentioned it since? The people making it front and center in the discussion today are people like those in this thread.
  3. So far up to 6 pages of right-wingers yammering all about the problems with it.
  4. It's not needed but it is 2022. What's the problem with a qualified black woman on the SC?
  5. To make an attempt to represent the diversity of our country with a qualified minority candidate is something to strive for. If it pisses off racists or makes them question why this group over that group so be it. Don't really understand the issue with anything Biden promised here. As mentioned previously, both Trump and Reagan made promises to represent the diversity of our country by nominating a female. I had no issue with those "promises" either.
  6. Yes - let's expand the court. I think we're on the same page.
  7. Long overdue to have a black woman on the court. As long as she is qualified, she should be confirmed.
  8. Sucks we finished better than the Bengals but had to face two teams better than the teams they faced. Pats > Raiders Chiefs > Titans Of course it's how the cookie crumbles. But it's enough for me to root against Burrow.
  9. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#covidnet-hospitalizations-vaccination
  10. I believe IRLI is the legal affiliate of FAIR Not the most biased source to say the least. I'd start your research there.
  11. Sure. Again, where is evidence of one with that stance? I did not get vaccinated because Kamala Harris said she would not trust the Trump vaccine
  12. Indeed - hundreds of thousands of idiots afraid of a jab. If you didn't get the vax because Kamala once said she wouldn't take a Trump vaccine (though I have yet to see evidence of someone with this stance - would be fantastic to share that), you're just as much of an idiot as those who won't take a vaccine because of right-wing disinformation.
  13. You should bump that #WalkAway thread your boy Rhino started. It worked really well last time. What's the new hashtag? #ByeBye?
  14. Hard to fathom caring at all about this today. Most heartbreaking sports loss I can remember last night.
  15. 2 I think if he loses again next year he’s going to be on the hot seat
  16. Where do I say he’s going to lose his arm strength?
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