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Everything posted by 716er

  1. A great example of how Twitter has made people dumb as ***** can be seen on this here forum. Big Blitz, BMAN, and BillsTime - no thoughts & all Tweets.
  2. Love this. Anything that gets people off Twitter is a win in my book. Hope Musk destroys it
  3. They still fawn over Marjorie and Matt Gaetz like the pathetic cowards they are
  4. ^^^A member of the party of cowards more interested in discussing the puberty of one he does not know rather than the context of the thread.^^^ Pretty gross, but you know what they say...
  5. Trump says "suck it," his minions say, "how hard?" McCarthy more spineless than a jellyfish.
  6. Spineless but that comes with the brand these days. Has he responded since his BS comment yesterday?
  7. Not a tanner but don’t most folks in it for the bronze look tan their whole bodies and not just their ballsack?
  8. A lot of you on here are big fans of his. What's this about?
  9. WaPo published the address of her employer which can be found with a simple Google search and then reposted the article with the address of her employer removed. They did not publish her *home address* Why would Tom Cotton lie? To make you outraged, of course.
  10. When someone has to let you know they are ignoring you, they might just be starved for a little extra attention they're not getting at home. You know what they say...
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