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Everything posted by 716er

  1. Media - Rigged ✔️ Election - Rigged ✔️ Jury - Rigged ✔️
  2. When is the match versus Swiatek?
  3. FWIW Uvalde has what it calls a SWAT team. They brag about their skills all over their departments Facebook page.
  4. How can you trust a report at this point with the backtracking Texas officials have already done multiple times in regard to this shooting? And again, in Texas armed school marshalls' identities are kept hidden by law. Not sure how those who reported "no armed teachers" (could you link to this? - I have not seen it) could have done so so quickly.
  5. Hover curser over user name and click the big Ignore button.
  6. How do you know there were no armed school martials at Copp Elementary? Last year Texas enacted a law that allows school faculty members to be designated as "armed school martials." These are teachers who take a training course and are then allowed to close carry on campus. Their identities are kept hidden.
  7. Arming teachers and staff is not a proven solution. It's an absurd idea.
  8. Some folks were just begging to pin this on the trans community. Sad.
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