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Everything posted by ziltoid

  1. 26,000 COVID positive college kids, 0 hospitalizations. But I bet 1/3 of them may have myocarditis and their hearts will explode if they play a strenuous game of flip cup. Can never really be too safe, I would cancel the 2021 football season now just to be proactively safe.
  2. Criminal stupidity, glad SEC football has a set of balls left.
  3. Kill it at your earliest opportunity. Tell the boss man we are here only to argue about Josh Allen.
  4. I hear you there - this year I can’t even buy toilet paper without a political argument breaking out. Politics everywhere.
  5. As with all things in the Trump era, dialogue is much more contentious. It all just gets tiresome.
  6. Probably in it's perm resting place. Final Destination 2020.
  7. Tricky part is once you get it close to the surface you'd have to figure out a way to pump out the water. May have to raise my estiamte by $1,000 or so.
  8. I see this thread, and I see an opportunity. Lake Travis is mostly ~60' deep. I think you could raise that boat with two larger boats, winches, and a hired diver. Would it be worth $4,000 it to save a $30,000 boat? I think so.
  9. This place has been a decent source of Covaids information during the pandemic. I've been following that thread for a while now. The rest of PPP is a mess. I don't get the this tribe vs. that tribe stuff. I'd be fine if it all shutdown and went away. Surprised the owner of the site keeps this around.
  10. Thank you for your service you provided to our great country. What branch of the armed forces did you serve in?
  11. You guys got me, as this must be all jokes. Carry on.
  12. Bike paths are great when you have a 2” wide tire. Your attitude is why I don’t ride as much. You’ll clip me with your mirror and leave me dead in a ditch, all the while claiming your innocence because you were entitled to the entire lane of highway. Do you get this mad at tractors? Backhoes? Amish?
  13. You've never been on a road bike, have you?
  14. I believe an OR qualifier should have been used. But I guess, as we all know, PCP never kills alone. And by the way, WTF is excited delirium - like reefer madness? Like a rollercoaster ride?
  15. Does Andre Robert's cap hit change now?
  16. That would have been interesting (McCain/Lieberman). Palin was a car crash that he should have seen coming.
  17. Could we get a cross aisle presidential ticket of Noem/Gabbard for 2024? Or this year, either one. Flip a coin on the Pres/VP.
  18. I know for a lot of people they are sick of being a caged pet, kind of like those lizards in a fish tank with a heat lamp. Maybe some people like that life, but it looks like the French decided it was time to rip the band-aid off and move on?
  19. I used to enjoy riding a road bike. Country roads, never hog a lane, stop at stop signs, etc. Road bikes don't work on a bike path. Tires are too small and bike paths are typically too rough and lots of loose gravel to crash on. Plus a road bike can do 18-20 mph, a lot of times that is too fast for a bike path. PLUS, I don't even wear the spandex stuff - I should get bonus points for that. But after reading this, it makes me rethink what you guys are plotting when you drive past me.
  20. Triple antandre, nice.
  21. Being involved in some Engineering models in the past, I honestly think they do not have a model input or "handle" for the innate T-cell / herd immunity. I really think it'll be tough to get to the low end of the IHME numbers. But I am just a guy on the internet.
  22. I like this, but did we change out McDermott with a non-conservative coach when I wasn't looking? Is Sean coming down with Riverboat Ron Syndrome? YEah after the season open last year, no thanks.
  23. Same happened to me, there is a narrative that she needs to maintain. Although I do think the masks are good insurance for the football staff.
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