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Everything posted by ziltoid

  1. In McD's system, no way. Although I'd love it, it would mean we would be disrupting intermediate routes often, which this zone defense does not do. I agree @billsfanmiami(oh), take the under.
  2. It doesn't matter, people can't see beyond the mask in front of their face. Only when the herd immunity sets in will people start waking up to the obliteration of the American way of life. By then it'll be too late, UBI for everyone will be the only morally just answer.
  3. CAN WE HAVE MORE POLITICS! F*cking losers.
  4. No rules! Except that other rule where you can’t call anyone a c*nt.
  5. That is a yes for Lauren Hill.
  6. CIA invite spotted!
  7. As suggested earlier, I just did a bunch of ignore clicks. We'll see how that goes.
  8. This place is pleasant on the weekends. And it is not because it's a right wing death camp echo chamber. It's because mostly sane posters show up and contribute. Why is it only during the work week that this place turns into a dick measuring pissing match?
  9. Damn it Drump!
  10. So motorcycles are worse than boats, right? It’s been a busy week of shaming, I can’t keep up.
  11. It would be nice to know, but I don’t think people really want to know the details there (ignorance is bliss), nor does the company want the public to know the “death math” they’re doing. The side effects currently seen, and also cited back in 1976 are MS like, so that is reason to stop and try to see what the heck is going sideways. Messing with people’s innate immune response is a fine needle to thread. I don’t think we’ll all of a sudden solve this in less than 1 year.
  12. I think you're looking at it wrong. It better be a factor of x100 or more safer compared to the virus hit rate for your age range. I would think 1/20,000 would scrap it, except for maybe the oldest of the general population.
  13. Not all things in life are about Tdrumpf.
  14. There is a reason no one has developed a vaccine for the common coronavirus colds (it has been extremely difficult). That vaccine would have sold like hotcakes, even before bat soup death arrived on the scene. I can see this taking a lot longer than advertised. Also, if everyone was given a placebo, would the world notice? The all cause mortality numbers are up this year, but they won't blip again once this virus circles the globe a few times.
  15. Thanks for the update. Shows you the herculean effort to come up with one, and the time it will take to get there. We'll be well into 2021 before at least one is identified - the dream of a late 2020 vaccine is stupid and Trump should drop it. And that'll keep more liberals from becoming anti-vaxxers, too. In the meantime, we better hunker down harder. Shut down life and buy up all that TP again!
  16. You can never be too safe.
  17. I heard Cuomo is also considering a ban on boats and motorcycles. Can never be too safe when it comes to covaids.
  18. I missed a goal looking at this. If the pigs are doing it (breaking up a riot) it is probably legally ok but won’t win them any congeniality awards. It’s not terrorism.
  19. Again, I don’t have a clue what you’re going for. Police do stuff once a riot is declared. They give you ample warning. That is your cue to go home. Would you rather the water cannon from the 60s? And I am a fence sitting centrist. Since we are now describing each other, I’d call you an anarchist.
  20. This is textbook terrorism: Search Results Featured snippet from the web Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”
  21. Nice deflection. I’d ask the ladies at that table how they felt.
  22. I have noticed that too @whatdrought. Obvious which way she’s voting.
  23. “On Friday, violent protesters came into Ox and Stone and terrorized diners by turning over tables, breaking glass, throwing chairs, and screaming at them that the “party is over.” In one harrowing moment, a large man approached a table full of women and swept all the glassware off the table and shattered it all over them.” I guess I missed your point. By your definition, the BLM horde forgot an IED to make it terrorist worthy?
  24. It looked dicey in the video.
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