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Everything posted by ziltoid

  1. But you had a hard on as soon as Herman Cain died.
  2. Just like the left’s treatment of HErman Cain.
  3. Agree @shoshin. Either side using death for political gain is gross. Remember Herman CAin? RIP
  4. He makes a point, as opposed to this:
  5. Considering there are many low probability ways of suing herself to the presidency, I would recommend going with the flow Nancy.
  6. I ask myself the same thing when I see a grammar argument on the internet.
  7. The punter dude, he can’t even hold right for field goals and he is the worst at punting. Not really, he is middle of the road ok, and he punts left footed so that should net a couple of fumbles thru the year, as the ball spins the other way...
  8. Your side's politicization of this virus to take down the president is going to leave us with lots of souvenirs for years to come. Of course you'll justify it after the fact as science or something. I honestly don't care who is president, I sleep tight either way. Your life is seems to be hanging in the balance, judging by the constant drivel I read.
  9. I TOLD YOUS! These wonderful humans love their masks. This just goes into the crazytalk bin, but just wait after a full winter of this crap. Guys like @Tiberius will be loving the mask, by his calculations he'll be able to live forever.
  10. You want to know the best part? Masks are never going away, ever. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to themselves. Just wait until we make it thru this upcoming flu season. The precipitous drop in deaths will be hailed as an amazing win for the planet, while the real reasons will not be discussed (culling the herd ahead of time with covaids).
  11. (consults dnc talking points for 9/14-9/20) Drumpfh is bad and he’s orangey
  12. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090717150302.htm#:~:text=Summary%3A,lungs%2C according to new research.
  13. Again with the touchdown dance on Herman Cain's grave.
  14. I only trust what Bill Nye tells me on TV. He looks like a turbo nerd, so he’s gotta be right.
  15. I believe you're being rhetorical, but it's higher and but nobody will really know the full toll until time passes. Seems to take 3 months to fill int he data. THere was a good blip (excess death) that exceeds the normal death rate for the year so far (>200k). As more time passes, I expect a similar lull in numbers as we've weeded out the weak population that the flu, cancer, etc would have killed later this year. This opinion is terribly harsh, but so is life and death. Deal with it. By mid 2021 let's get back together and dissect the numbers, I think we'll see this sucked, but not as bad as everyone wants it to be.
  16. I think it's the "you know you're a redneck" guy.
  17. 2 more weeks.
  18. OL needs to get their crap together. Frickin Embarrassing!
  19. Awww, too bad you lose GR, it says Moops.
  20. I would outdo the sexy Rexy and fire his butt after week 1. That'll show em who's boss.
  21. I take it you've never partook in the age old tradition of table smashing or English class. Just messing with ya. Try it sometime, proper spelling and grammar is funs.
  22. I had to listen and judge for myself, and from the sounds of it Josh won't be able to shoot a pineapple up a receivers butt (or something like that). I guess we drafted the wrong Josh. He never can execute a 5 step drop NFL pass on time, I mean he is obviously Kyle Boller doomed. I hope someday Joshy wins a Super Bowl in the most ugliest of ways, like 6-3 in a punt fest ugly. This way the haters can continue to hate, add an asterisk, tell us Dilfer was all world in comparison, etc. It won't matter at that point.
  23. You don't fight it with a lawyer per se, but plead not guilty and show up for the court date. They will most likely reduce your sin to a fine only, if points are involved. At least this was the accepted course of action pre-covaids.
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