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Everything posted by ziltoid

  1. You’re conflating criminal activities (punishable by the death penalty) with political maneuverings that the Dems couldn’t even make stick. Hence the wackadoodle comment.
  2. You do realize how wackadoodle you sound, right? In 3.75 years of Blumpft, every major news agency and the House Intelligence Committee could not find evidence of what you’re saying.
  3. First of all, this has nothing to do with your favorite president. Blumpft is the furthest thing from this guys mind. This dude in the photo would rather die than comply with the face diaper suggestion. I applaud his choice in life; a human should have this choice. I on the other hand just go along with the mask mandates, so I can try to eek out a living. And the CDC just said the mask does offer the wearer protection, so maybe we should just mind our own business? The only option left when Biden takes control is to institute military law. Arrest nonconformists on the spot. Use armed guards like many other countries do. Do you guys agree with this? What else is left on the table?
  4. DO we have enough food for a guy with that nickname?
  5. Calf injury. Hope he heals up, but Davis will allow him to take a couple of weeks.
  6. Well done with this thread. Tyler Kroft created the TK Gun offense today.
  7. That’ll get overturned. Shared possession
  8. Points here are critical. In years past, this is where the other team closes the gap. No more.
  9. It said Moscow, ID. I guess they were making a point, but yes real bad optics.
  10. These are your fellow Idahoians @IDBillzFan
  11. Summary: We think players don't improve in the NFL, and he'll quickly return to his past performance level.
  12. What the heck, someone has to wear white for the TB/Den game! Train wreck inbound!
  13. Trust me, I'm right there with you. But the state gov'ts will pivot from CASES! to VACCINE! numbers and the compliance behind them. We just have to keep NYC closed until the VACCINE! numbers are better. Otherwise everyone will die. Watch.
  14. Not anymore, it's vaccine or be shut out of everything, you'll see.
  15. Everyone eating inside at a restaurant would like a word with the rule makers here. If you're sitting you can't catch or spread it. It's only when you stand up, duh.
  16. Fauci & Rand Paul arguing about herd immunity today was mildly interesting. Fauci gives no credence whatsoever to the lowered % that many are hypothesizing about lately.
  17. What do the Rammies predominately play, man or zone?
  18. I want the pythagorean theorem of passing yards. 300 the first week, 400 the second week, and 500 the third. Dream big. a^2+b^2=c^2
  19. I think when you're in the 4th quarter and maybe one possession each left, yes. If there is a lot of game & possessions left, nah.
  20. Good ice fishin in QEEE-bick.
  21. No, I would rather Ricin myself.
  22. As much as that temptation is there from the Kavanaugh debacle to exact revenge, I think this is the move.
  23. No Tibs, I'm sure we'll be able to kill the unborn well into the future.
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