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Everything posted by ziltoid

  1. When was the last time an online petition did anything? Probably a video game complaint of some sort...
  2. I have the plastic gold coin commemorating this glorious preseason game (eyeroll). It was given to me by a Browns fan when I lived in Georgia in 1999. Figure that one out.
  3. That article is well written and concise. I feel this libertarian mindset is so far removed from the fat lazy American approach to life that it is immediately dismissed by the masses. What this virus should teach us is this: we collectively need to take personal control of our lives. Be it personal health, economic standing, and personal freedoms. Sweden gets this for the most part. They do love their gov't run health care, but they do have a quantum leap difference in general health. That makes it easier on the gov't, for sure. Be lazy, pay the price. The virus will eventually find you.
  4. It remains to be seen, but their RBs could make up for some backup QB shortcomings. Josh is out for 2-3 games? I could totally see Barkley guiding the ship appropriately. Totes Mcgoats.
  5. I thought I've read the opposite, but that was months ago. In a pandemic, 3 months feels like a lifetime ago... My dumb understanding - the influenza shot is a completely different animal to protect against. The other corona viruses are common colds, and the flu shot does not protect against that (nothing does, yet). But I would still get the flu shot, so if you run into the flu this winter, it shouldn't mess you up too bad. And that is a good thing, because if you then run into the Covid-19, you won't already be in the ditch recovering from the flu.
  6. They do have all new turf fields that need paying off. Never understood that one, it’s called grass - play on it or smoke it, kid. Synthetic grass is dangerous.
  7. His N=1 test worked for him. And he feels like communicating that. Not sure that is “making it political”. The bodybuilding community has typically been 10 years ahead of modern mainstream medicine, and most of it is word of mouth success stories. I think this HCQ thing may have some of that same truth to it, like for example steroids aren’t as bad as you first think. Time will tell; too bad it became an L vs R thing. Thank you, I was trying to say the same thing. Good thing it wasn’t banned where he lived.
  8. Forever unclean Uncle ChefJim, forever unclean.
  9. Imagine the pants pooping if he loses. Mass exodus to Canada, just like last time. Report from the front lines of the finger lakes - wine still tastes good, even in a pandemic. All NYers are perfunctorily wearing their masks and moving on with their lives. Lots of Cuomo Crackers being consumed.
  10. Buck stops with Cuomo, talk to him Mr. Litigious.
  11. If they follow the NYS guidelines, as all school districts are, then who do you sue? The state?
  12. A rational mind would expect that, yes.
  13. I always like my data presented without axis labels.
  14. TLDR cliff notes: My son had to work late because people pooped their pants over Trump. Therefore it’s Trump’s fault, and I’m pooping my pants on twitter about it now.
  15. I thought this was a new run on toilet paper thread. I am relieved. I do restock if looking low. Try to check before setting up shop, but sometimes forget. Paper towels? Not as important, unless wings are for dinner.
  16. CAR vs BOS going to 2OTs. The one thing you can bank on when watching Boston - they are consistently a dirty team. Always just on the edge.
  17. I'm surprised this guy is still allowed on twatter at this point.
  18. Cue the Atlas take down pieces immediately! Fauci is our God; false idols shall be smited away.
  19. I just want to play ice hockey man, but this thing is too far gone. A decent chunk of the guys I play with are never going to play again. They are in their 40s/50s and are convinced they have 2-3 co-mingling comorbidities and will die if they ever catch it. The data clearly shows they are more likely to die sitting around and not exercising, but what do I know. The media has done their job with the constant fear peddling. Excellence in reporting. Pulitzers will definitely go to the authors with the most fear consistently baked in.
  20. Best to wait 86-96 days until the MSM studies this one. Never know how many hanging chads will need to be found first.
  21. Those are some tired skaters there. Throw everything at the net at this point.
  22. How long until the insurance companies collectively stop covering “looting”? Because that was the justification I read today.
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